这期COLLECTION的主题为Innovative Methods and Techniques for Frontiers of Life Science
具体内容见: https://academic.oup.com/jmcb/issue/7/4
The human genome contains millions of DNAregulatoryelements and a large number of geneclusters, most of which have not been tested experimentally. The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated nuclease 9 (Cas9) programed with a synthetic single-guide RNA (sgRNA) emerges as a method for genome editing in virtually any organisms. Here we report that targeted DNA fragment inversions and duplications could easily be achieved in human and mouse genomes by CRISPR with two sgRNAs. Specifically, we found that, in cultured human cells and mice, efficient precise inversions of DNA fragments ranging in size from a few tens of bp to hundreds of kb could be generated. In addition, DNA fragment duplications and deletions could also be generated by CRISPR through trans-allelic recombination between the Cas9-induced double-strand breaks (DSBs) on two homologous chromosomes (chromatids). Moreover, junctions of combinatorial inversions and duplications of the protocadherin (Pcdh) geneclusters induced by Cas9 with four sgRNAs could be detected. In mice, we obtained founders with alleles of precise inversions, duplications, and deletions of DNA fragments of variable sizes by CRISPR. Interestingly, we found that very efficientinversions were mediated by microhomology-mediated end joining (MMEJ) through short inverted repeats. We showed for the first time that DNA fragment inversions could be transmitted through germlines in mice. Finally, we applied this CRISPR method to a regulatory element of the Pcdhα cluster and found a new role in the regulation of members of the Pcdhγ cluster. This simple and efficient method should be useful in manipulating mammalian genomes to study millions of regulatoryDNAelements as well as vast numbers of geneclusters.
Keywords: DNA regulatory element inversion, duplication, deletion, CRISPR/Cas9, enhancer, genome manipulation, gene cluster
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上海交通大学系统生物医学研究院吴强教授团队在Journal of Molecular Cell Biology杂志上发表了题为“EfficientInversions and Duplications of Mammalian Regulatory DNA Elements andGene Clusters by CRISPR/Cas9”的研究成果。
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