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Note on using COARE_Flux 3.0

已有 3780 次阅读 2013-7-29 19:42 |个人分类:earth_science|系统分类:科研笔记

Difference between cor3_0ah.m and cor3_9af.m is that its depth of water temperature is not same.


cor3_0ah.m :  ts_depth = 6 ; bulk water temperature sensor depth

cor3_0af.m :   ts_depth = 0.05 ; bulk water temperature sensor depth



% =============================================================================================

     File like test3_0.txt

     time in form YYYYMMDDHHSS.SS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X(:,1)

      wind speed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X(:,2)

      sea snake temperature C (0.05m depth) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ X(:,3)

      air temperature C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X(:,4)

      air specific humidity, g/kg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X(:,5)

      downward solar flux W/m^2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X(:,6)

      downward Infrared Radiative flux W/m^2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X(:,7)

      rainrate, mm/hr ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X(:,8)

      latitude, deg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X(:,9)

      longitude, deg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X(:,10)

      msp, 6-m deotg T from MSP, C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X(:,11)  


% =============================================================================================

      Cor_3.0 INPUT

wind speed

surface current speed in wind direction

bulk water temperature if jcool = 1 ; interface water T if jcool = 0

bulk air temperature at height z_t

bulk water spec hum (g/kg), if jcool =1

bulk air spec hum (g/kg), height z_q

downword solar flux (W/m2)

downward IR flux (W/m2)

rain rate (mm/hr)

PBL depth (m)

Atmos surface pressure (mb)

wind speed measurement height (m)

air T measurement height (m)

air q measurement height (m)


implement cool calculation skin switch, 0=no, 1=yes

implement wave dependent roughness model

wave period

wave height



% =============================================================================================

Cor_3.0 Output % y= cor30a(x)

hsb: sensible heat flux ~~~~~~~~~~~~  y(1)

hlb: latent heat flux ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y(2)

tau: stress ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y(3)

zo: velocity roughness length ~~~~~~~ y(4)

zot: temperature roughness length ~~~ y(5)

zoq: moisture roughness length  ~~~~~ y(6)

L: Monin_Obukhov stability length ~~~~ y(7)

usr: turbulent friction velocity (m/s), including gustiness ~~~~~~ y(8)

tsr: temperature scaling parameter tsr (K) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y(9)

qsr: humidity scaling parameter qsr (g/g) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  y(10)

dter: cool skin temperature depression (K) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y(11)

dqer: cool skin humidity depression (g/g) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y(12)

tkt: cool skin thickness(m) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y(13)

RF: rain heat flux (w/m^2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y(14)

wbar: webb mean w (m/s) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y(15)

Cd: velocity drag coefficient at zu, reference to u ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y(16)

Ch: heat transfer coefficient at zt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  y(17)

Ce: moisture transfer coefficient at zq ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  y(18)

Cdn_10: 10-m velocity drag coefficient, including gustiness ~~~~~  y(19)

Chn_10: 10-m heat transfer coefficient, including gustiness ~~~~~  y(20)

Cen_10: 10-m humidity transfer coefficient, including gustiness ~~  y(21)

ug:  Wg                          ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y(22)




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