Dynamical Friedel oscillations of a Fermi sea.pdf
Re: ******* Dynamical Friedel oscillations of a Fermi sea by J. M. Zhang and Y. Liu Dear Prof. Dr. Zhang, We are pleased to inform you that your manuscript has been accepted for publication as a Regular Article in Physical Review B. We would also like to bring the appended referee comments to your attention. Your manuscript will now be prepared for the production process. If any issues arise we will contact you; otherwise your manuscript will be forwarded directly to our production department. Please do not send a revised manuscript or figures at this time unless requested. Yours sincerely, Yonko Millev Associate Editor Physical Review B Email: prb@aps.org http://journals.aps.org/prb/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Report of the First Referee -- *******/Zhang ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The authors have modified the manuscript taking into account all my suggestions. In particular, the description of the previously published results has been shifted to the Appendix. The authors implemented the standard finite-size scaling which shows excellent agreement between numerical data and analytical results. The possibilities (and limitations) of extending the toy model for the studies of other tight-binding Hamiltonians is described at the end of the Appendix. In my opinion, the manuscript contains an interesting analytical approach to the real-time dynamics of the Friedel oscillations. Even though the results are not of critical importance the analytical approach itself is interesting. It may be useful for explaining numerical results obtained for selected simplified cases of more realistic Hamiltonians. In summary, I support publication of the present manuscript in the Physical Review B. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Report of the Second Referee -- *******/Zhang ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for the review request of the above manuscript. In their response, the authors have made some changes and presented somearguments, which are particularly based on Chinese phrases. I believe that Chinese is a rich language and also contains phrases with a completely opposite meaning.I do not find the authors' response convincing and have not changed my opinion, which was presented in my previous report. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Report of the Third Referee -- *******/Zhang ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I have carefully read the revised version of the paper and all referee reports and the author's reply in the first round. I support the paper to be published in the Physical Review B and share a similar opinion to that expressed by the first reviewer. The paper presents both numerical and analytical study of the quantum quench phenomena in a simple one-dimensional lattice model of ideal fermions. Though the model is simple it gives quite surprising results. In addition the analytical study seems to be well taken and proves its usefulness in this case. I find a great advantage in solving simple models. Of course, it cannot describe real materials, as the second reviewers would insists, but it provides deeper understanding of quantum mechanics and quantum time evolutions. As an immediate consequence I would extend this model to study a quantum quench in the Kondo system, a magnetic impurity which is turned on at some particular time. Techniques developed in this paper might be useful. I must also admit that the second report of the second reviewers lacks objectiveness and professionalism. Summarizing, I recommend the paper to be published in the Physical Review B.
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