
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE 投稿记录
热度 6 孔玉侠 2012-5-4 15:18
2011.05.07 完成 manuscript,并以latex格式投稿,编号:Ms. No. EMENG -985 大约 6.11 日后为 under review 状态。 minor revisions (初次审稿周期约四个月) Your Technical Paper, listed above, has completed a review for publication in ASCE's Journal of Engineering Mechanics. The editor has re ...
个人分类: 学术探索|25898 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 6
A three-dimensional criterion for asymptotic states
孔玉侠 2012-3-30 10:18
Computers and Geotechnics Volume 41, April 2012, Pages 90–94 A three-dimensional criterion for asymptotic states Ting Luo, Yang-Ping Yao, An-Nan Zhou, Xing-Guo Tian Abstract The asymptotic state of a soil is affected by stress states and deformation constraints. Experimental r ...
个人分类: 学术探索|4153 次阅读|没有评论
Genius's Trick With Two Cans and Some Sand
热度 2 孔玉侠 2011-4-26 08:59
I have read an interesting nesws from Science Now. It is about Two Cans and Some Sand. http://bcove.me/mz5vicht Take two tin cans, one with the top removed and the other with both ends cut out to form a tube. Turn the closed-bottomed can upside down and push both cans into dense sand. The ...
个人分类: 学术探索|5185 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 2
热度 1 孔玉侠 2011-4-23 11:29
今天看到了复旦抗癌女教师于娟的博客 , 于娟:活着就是王道 。 “再远的飞行也要着陆,再长的旅行总会回家。” 于娟博士走了,但是 她的生命日记带给我深刻的启示:一定不要熬夜 。 如果说生命是一个圆, 那么健康是圆的半径。 如果我们将生命比作一个时钟, 健康是秒针 ...
个人分类: 美丽生活|4748 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
热度 3 孔玉侠 2011-4-1 16:23
萧伯纳曾经说过:“一个理智的人应该改变自己去适应环境,只有那些不理智的人,才会想去改变环境适应自己。但历史是由后一种人创造的。” 2011.4.1 小雨
个人分类: 美丽生活|4233 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 3
UH model considering temperature effects
孔玉侠 2010-12-22 23:08
个人分类: 学术探索|4050 次阅读|1 个评论
Learn from Professor Ralph Peck
孔玉侠 2010-12-21 19:55
He not only was known for his expertise in engineering, but for his enjoyment and caring for people. 他不仅是因为他的工程技术, 更因为他的乐观和对他人的关心 而著称 。 Nancy Peck Young If you can't reduce a difficult ...
个人分类: 美丽生活|4921 次阅读|没有评论

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