
祝贺课题组论文被Advanced Materials Interfaces 顺利接收
庞欢 2014-9-1 18:49
在各位好友的支持下,论文 Reed Leaves as a Sustainable Silica Source of Three dimensional Mesoporous Nickel (Cobalt) Silicate Architectures Assembled by Ultrathin Nanoflakes for High-Performance of Supercapacitor Junhong Zhao, Youjuan Zhang, Ting Wang, PengWei Li, Chengzhen Wei and ...
4755 次阅读|没有评论
祝贺论文被Nanoscale 和 RSC Advances顺利接收
庞欢 2014-7-20 15:49
感谢各位好友的支持,论文被 Nanoscale 和 RSC Advances 顺利接收! http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2014/ra/c4ra02665a
4862 次阅读|没有评论
祝贺论文被Scientific Reports, 和 Microchimica Acta 顺利接收
热度 1 庞欢 2014-6-28 11:34
感谢各位好友的支持,论文被 Scientific Reports , 和 Microchimica Acta 顺利接收! Figure 1 a, b) FESEM images of as-prepared Co 3 V 2 O 8 ; c) Corresponding AFM image; d, e) TEM images (inset-corresponding SAED pattern); f) Corresponding HRTEM image (inset-the large magnificati ...
5393 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
庞欢 2014-5-20 13:34
毕业了以后还是天天去小百合看看, 心里对百合对南大的感情一点都没变, 南大带给我的, 会是一辈子的怀念与感激。 祝母校-南京大学,生日快乐!
2338 次阅读|没有评论
祝贺论文被J. Mater. Chem. A,RSC Adv,Nano Rese Let.接收发表
热度 1 庞欢 2014-3-18 09:47
1. Facile synthesis and superior electrochemical performances of CoNi2S4/graphene nanocomposite suitable for supercapacitor electrodes, Weimin Du*, Zhiyong Wang, Zhaoqiang Zhu, Sen Hu, Xiaoyan Zhu, yunfeng Shi, Huan Pang* and Xuefeng Qian ...
6113 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1
祝贺论文被ACS Nano和CrystEngComm顺利接收
热度 2 庞欢 2014-3-7 16:11
1. Chunli Zhang,Huanhuan Yin, Min Han, * Zhihui Dai, Huan Pang, * Yulin Zheng,Ya- Qian Lan, Jianchun Bao,* and Jianmin Zhu, Two-Dimensional Tin Selenide Nanostructures for Flexible All-Solid State Supercapacitors , ACS Nano , 2014 , Accepted, DOI: 10.1021 / ...
4964 次阅读|没有评论 热度 2
热度 1 庞欢 2014-1-28 06:45
感谢母校的支持,虽然钱很少,但是一种欣慰,对年轻人的鼓励! http://sklcc.nju.edu.cn/shownews.asp?id=171
2612 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1

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