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2013-9-22 07:51
explanation: 这里我们简单谈谈xml和yaml文件输入,你的输出只有一个这种extension,而structure来自于此。有两种data structure, 你可能serialize,mapping和element sequence,这两种之间的difference是在map中,每个element都有一个unique的name。而对sequence,你需要go through,并且query一个特定的item。 xmlya ...
5946 次阅读|没有评论
[机器学习]Seminar in Robotics, Systems, and Controls
2013-9-20 21:15
lecture 1 Grasping and Control of Multi-fingered Hands bruno siciliano; socker; awosome; robotic modelling planning and control; kinematic model and flying arena; fly ey but also fly hand; commond and social interaction; optimal grasp evaluation and trajectory planning; eye in hand camera configur ...
3671 次阅读|没有评论
[机器学习]user interface engineering
2013-9-18 19:59
user interface engineering: augumented reality in TMU and HCI in Univer M; Cambridge for Post Doc and HCI work; new group advanced interactive technology; sensor technology and interactive technology; all student from computer science; four doctor student; infomation system; two electronical engin ...
个人分类: 机器学习|4521 次阅读|没有评论
[机器学习]object-oriented programming
2013-9-12 17:06
Inheritance and Polymorphism Private members are not inherited! Protected members are accessible in subclass. Public members are accessible in subclasses and non-subclasses. How to pass parameters? super(). The statement super() calls the superclass's constructor. If the class declarati ...
个人分类: 机器学习|5223 次阅读|没有评论
[机器学习]machine learning
2013-9-12 16:24
machine learning algorithm是一种data analysis方法,用于search dataset中的pattern和characteristic structures。typical task主要是data classification,automatic regression,和unsupervised model fitting。machine learning已经从computer science和artifical intelligence上开始emerge,并且从其他的相关学科上 ...
个人分类: 机器学习|5379 次阅读|没有评论
[机器视觉] Computer Graphics
2013-9-10 16:25
该课程包含了一些computer graphic上的基本的concepts。两个主要的parts是image synthesis和geometric modeling。在课程结束,student可以设计并实现一个rendering system。在course结束的时候,学生可以实现design并且implement一个基于raytracing的rendering system。你会学习建模的basic principle,并且integrate spl ...
个人分类: 机器视觉|3533 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 2013-9-3 20:45
微软用7.2 billion购买了诺基亚的device and services business,目的是expand其在smartphone market上的share。Microsoft会支付5 billion dollar,这包括 Lumia smartphone的生产线,同时也要支付2.2 billion dollar来购买10 year licence来使用Nokia的专利。两个公司在联合声明中说,这提供给微软扩展其服务到一个更广 ...
个人分类: 英语学习|2316 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
2013-8-31 15:25
Academatic Sports Association ASVZ是一个non-profit的组织,它提供了一个面向所有学生、employee和alumni的sports program,我们提供所有的participants超过120种不同的sports,很多class, courses是由一些university sport coaches来教授的。 Academic sport club提供了university sport facilities,其位于ETH Zen ...
个人分类: 欧洲生活|2758 次阅读|没有评论

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