

A Note on the text Iraq 74, p. 129 2010-06-022-07 (W 22)

已有 3875 次阅读 2014-4-16 19:43 |个人分类:原创学术论文|系统分类:论文交流

The text, Iraq 74, p. 129 2010-06-022-07 (W 22), was transliterated by Jon Taylor in 2012 (TAYLOR 2012). As the author said, it is “An Ur III administrative text about livestock, probably from Drehem. Dated month xi of an unidentified year”(TAYLOR 2012:129). Fortunately, I have found another text, JEOL 33 114 5, dated to the 15th day of theeleventh month of the 47th regnal year of Šulgi. The both texts are transliterated and compared asfollowing:

Iraq 74, p. 129 2010-06-022-07 (W 22)Obverse
1. 6 gu4 niga 110 udu
2. 10 ma

3. I-šar-ra-ma-aš
4. 10 gu4 220 udu
5. 20 ma
6. [er]in
2 A-ba-alki
7. ugula I-[š]ar-ra-ma-aš8. 10-la2-1 gu4 1 ab2

9. 50-la2-1 udu 51 maš2-gal10. erin2 Hu-ub-niki
11. ugula I-di3-dEN.ZU
12. 1 sila
4 I-di3-E2-a šabra


1. 1 sila4 Lu2-ša-lim nu-banda32. 1 sila4 Id-da-a
3. 3 udu niga 1
4. Lugal-u4-[s]u3-še3

5. 2 amar az Ur-dEN.[ZU]
6. [2 si]la
4 en d[Inanna]
7. [x si]la
4 SUHUŠ-ki-i[n ...] / mar [...]

blank space

8. mu-DU N[a-sa6 i3-dab5]
9. iti ezem-Me-[ki-
10. mu us
2-sa K[i-maški ba-hul]

JEOL 33 114 5

1. 1 sila4 dEn-lil2
2. 1 sila4 dNin-lil2
3. mu-DU en dInanna4. 1 sila4 dNanna

5. mu-DU I-di3-E2-a šabra
6. 1 sila
4 Hur-sag-ga-lam-ma
7. mu-DU Lu
2-ša-lim nu-banda3
8. 1 sila4 dUtu
9. mu-DU Id-da-a
10. zabar-dab
5 maškim
11. 1 amar az e
2 uz-ga
1. mu-DU Ur-dEN.ZU
2. A-a-kal-la ma
3. 3 udu niga Na-ap-la-nu-um mar-tu
4. mu-DU Lugal-u
5. Arad2-ĝu10 maškim
6. 3 gu
4 24udu11u8
7. 8 maš2 4 ud5 šu-gid2 e2 muhaldim-še3

8. u4 15-kam

1 line blank

9. ki Na-sa6-ta ba-zi
10. iti ezem Me-ki-
11. mu us2-sa Ki-maški / ba-hul

In the text on the left, Iraq 74, p. 129 2010-06-022-07 (W 22), Nasa received (i3-dab5) thedeliveries of animals from several persons, namely Išarramaš, Idi-Ea the temple prefect, Lu-šalim theinspector (nu-banda3), Idda’a, Lugal-usuše, Ur-Suen, the en-priestess of Inana, SUHUŠ-kin, and thetroops from Abal and Hubni overseen by Išarramaš and Idi-Suen, respectively. In the text on the right,JEOL 33 114 5, Nasa disbursed (ba-zi) animals for cultic purposes, for the E’uzga, for an AmoriteNaplanum, and for the kitchen. In several cases, it is clear that the transactions are linked. In terms ofdetail, the one lamb that Nasa received from Idi-Ea, the temple prefect, was disbursed for the cult ofNanna, while the lamb that Nasa received from Lu-šalim, the inspector, was disbursed for the cult ofHursag-galama. Moreover, the lamb that Nasa received from Idda’a was disbursed for the cult of Utu,and the three barley-fed sheep and one female kid that Nasa received from Lugal-usuše were disbursedfor the Amorite Naplanum. What is more, the two young bears that Nasa received from Ur-Suen were disbursed for the E’uzga, as well as the two lambs that Nasa received from the en-priestess of Inana weredisbursed for the cults of Enlil and Ninlil.

From the above comparison, first of all, it is certain that the text Iraq 74, p. 129 2010-06-022-07(W 22) is dated to Š 47 xi 15, the same day with the text JEOL 33 114 5. Second, the former text isundoubtedly from Drehem. Third, the Reverse Line 8 and Line 10 of the text Iraq 74, p. 129 2010-06-022-07 (W 22) can be safely reconstructed on the basis of the comparison with the text JEOL 33 114 5,while the Reverse Line 7 of the text Iraq 74, p. 129 2010-06-022-07 (W 22) is difficult to bereconstructed completely because it cannot be attested for the connection between the PN SUHUŠ-kinand the below sign MAR (possibly mar-tu). As for the attestation of SUHUŠ-kin equaling with Šuruš-kin, he is the son of Ur-niĝar, who in turn, is the son of the king Šulgi (see WEIERSHÄUER 2008:41).Lastly, the individual Lugal-usuše (Lugal-u4-su3-še3) can be identified with the royal cook (muhaldimlugal), based on one seal impression in the text MVN 14 388, dated to SS 5 from Umma: Arad2-ĝu10 /dumu Lugal-u4-su3-še3 / muhaldim lugal. Interestingly, another undated text PDT 1 529 records that twobarley-fed sheep—the delivery of Lugal-usuše, for Engimum, an Amorite person—were disbursed bypossibly Aba-saga.


TAYLOR, Jon 2012 “Cuneiform Tablets from the Wiseman Collection.” Iraq 74: 127-136.

WEIERSHÄUER, Frauke 2008 Die königlichen Frauen der III. Dynastie von Ur. Göttinger Beiträge zumAlten Orient Band 1. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen.

Changyu LIU <> / <>

Assyriologie, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Hauptstraße 126 D-69117 HEIDELBERG, DE

Published in N.A.B.U 2014/9.

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