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一篇来自NewsWeek文章I Can’t Think!
热度 1 2011-3-6 21:45
The Twitterization of our culture has revolutionized our lives, but with an unintended consequence—our overloaded brains freeze when we have to make decisions. 我觉的这篇文章很有意思,对信息与决策进行了一番思考,我产生了一个自问------过度信息的信息还是信息了吗? ...
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|6273 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
2010-6-26 10:43
Semantics[语义学] (from Greek ? - semantikos) is the study of meaning, usually in language. The word semantics itself denotes a range of ideas, from the popular to the highly technical. It is often used in ordinary language to denot ...
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|3756 次阅读|1 个评论
2010-5-22 20:18
信息来源于:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_adaptive_systems Complex adaptive systems are special cases of complex systems . They are complex in that they are diverse and made up of multiple interconnected elements (and so a part of network science ) and adaptive in that they have the ...
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|5033 次阅读|1 个评论
2010-5-22 10:49
图片来源于系统科学导论-复杂性探索 颜泽贤 范冬萍 张华夏著 人民出版社 系统理论(有解释职能)--系统思维--系统实践
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|3074 次阅读|没有评论
2010-5-2 14:27
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|6680 次阅读|3 个评论
2010-4-12 08:09
About Valentin Turchin Valentin F. Turchin Professor Emeritus of Computer Sciences, the City College , the City University of New York Member of the Principia Cybernetica Editorial Board Chief Scientist at Supercompilers, LLC Curriculum ...
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|6998 次阅读|没有评论
2010-3-13 11:19
Dates Location: The 2010 Forum on Philosophy, Engineering, and Technology (fPET-2010) will be held in 9-10 May 2010 (Sunday evening through Monday) as a one-day intensive meeting at the Colorado School of Mines , Golden, CO. History: This event is a further outgrowth of the Workshop ...
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|3487 次阅读|没有评论
2010-1-28 14:31
人们通过信息系统认知外部环境,与外部环境交互,这一切都是通过信号转换、数据传递与展示实现的。信息系统变得越复杂,人们就越希望它具有灵活性、可重用性、可分布式的、可扩展的优良特性。要达这些目标,信息系统必须有一个好的架构基础,还必须要有一个好的建构方法论作保证。文中所 ...
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|3775 次阅读|3 个评论
2010-1-27 20:38
主页: Research Group in Philosophy of Information Welcome to the Website of the GPI The GPI is an interdisciplinary group of researchers, interested in the nature, logic, dynamical processes and ethical implications of information and information technologies, including computation a ...
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|4140 次阅读|没有评论

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