
管卫兵 2009-1-26 21:06
ScienceDaily (Jan. 7, 2009) The remarkable journey of a green turtle from Indonesia into Australian waters is helping conservationists to track the migratory route of this species to the Kimberley-Pilbara coast - one of the few relatively pristine coastal areas left on Earth. ...
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Surprise Drop In Carbon Dioxide Absorbed By East/Japan Sea
管卫兵 2009-1-26 21:03
ScienceDaily (Jan. 7, 2009) The East/Japan Sea in the western North Pacific is ventilated from the surface to the bottom of the ocean over decades. Such short overturning circulation indicates that carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from human emissions is able to pervade the East/Japan Sea on simi ...
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Nile Delta Fishery Grows Dramatically Thanks To Run-off Of Sewage, Fertilizers
管卫兵 2009-1-26 20:55
The surprising cause of this expansion, which followed a collapse of the fishery after completion of the Aswan High Dam in 1965, is run-off of fertilizers and sewage discharges in the region, according to a researcher at the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography. Autumn O ...
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Nitrogen Fixation In The Western English Channel
管卫兵 2009-1-26 20:51
Using stable isotopes of nitrogen, the researchers found high levels of nitrogen fixation in the western English Channel, a region characterised by high nutrient concentrations. Until now, nitrogen fixation in the marine environment was largely thought to be restricted to regions in the oce ...
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Fish Guts Explain Marine Carbon Cycle Mystery
管卫兵 2009-1-26 20:46
This calcium carbonate is being produced by bony fish, a group that includes 90% of marine fish species but not sharks or rays. These fish continuously drink seawater to avoid dehydration. This exposes them to an excess of ingested calcium, which they precipitate into calcium carbonate crystals in ...
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管卫兵 2009-1-26 20:34
黄色树蛙在水中产卵 网易探索5月22日讯, 据美国生活科学网报道,当我们的远古祖先谋求出水的生计时,它们得进化出在陆地上产卵的习惯。如今一种树蛙能见证水生过渡到陆生的这一神秘的关键时刻。这种小型的黄色巴拿马两栖动物是首个见证能水陆两地产卵的脊椎动物。 科学家目睹了此沙漏树蛙(学名Dendropsophu ...
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管卫兵 2009-1-26 20:27
有56个名字的面包屑软海螺 网易探索7月2日讯,据《每日科学网》报道,近日,科学家宣布最新世界海洋物种目录(WoRMS)已达12.25万个(科学家识别并整理出大约5.64万物种别名,占全部物种的32%)。其中还包括5600幅图片,分别链接至相关物种的分类文献及其它信息。 在世界物种目录开幕大会上,来自17个国家 ...
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管卫兵 2009-1-26 20:12
有些鱿鱼会将产下的卵囊放在珊瑚上。 乌贼的性行为过程通常会伴随精彩的变色表演。 科学家研究发现,多个品种的鱿鱼存在奇特性行为 在冯小刚新片《非诚勿扰》中,葛优扮演的角色把性行为叫做亲热。新的研究显示,深海鱿鱼不但有着非 ...
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管卫兵 2009-1-26 20:10
过度捕杀会让青蛙腿这样的美食终有一天从餐桌上永远消失。图为一只欧洲蛙。 网易探索1月23日讯 据近日一项新研究结果显示,为满足人类饮食消费需求,在全球范围内盛行的青蛙腿贸易正在严重威胁到青蛙的生存,让它们面临着日益严重的灭绝危机。这项新研究由一个国际专家团队开展,其中包括了阿德莱德大学、纽芬兰 ...
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