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Seeking candidates for Soochow University

已有 8573 次阅读 2019-10-24 21:54 |个人分类:科技传播|系统分类:海外观察| Soochow University, Seeking candidates

Seeking candidates for teaching faculty positions at

the School of Communication of Soochow University


Soochow University is located in the historical and cultural city of Suzhou. It is one of the universities participating in Project 211 (a project involving key national universities and schools, initiated in 1995 by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China). It is a Double First-Class University (first-class ranking as a university and for its disciplines) jointly built by the Ministry of Education and Jiangsu Province. It is the first university in China with a modern university discipline system. As a public comprehensive university, it possesses strong faculty, balanced disciplines, a beautiful campus, and flexible management mechanisms. In recent years, Soochow University has ranked amongst the top 20 institutions in mainland China according to several sources, including the ESI, the 2019 Thames University ranking, the 2019 Shanghai’s Academic Ranking of World Universities, and the 2018 Nature Index. Among those numerous leading university rankings, Soochow University is at the forefront of mainland China’s domestic universities.


The School of Communication of Soochow University (SCSU) is situated at the Dushu Lake Campus of Soochow University, in the Industrial Zone. The campus features a beautiful scenery that is embraced by the community. The School of Communication adheres to the Talents Strategy and was initially founded by a faculty with high academic qualifications, and strong scientific research and teaching abilities. There are 70 in-service faculty members and more than 2,000 students. The school consists of the departments of digital communication, journalism, radio and television, and advertising. From undergraduate to doctoral studies, programs cover popular majors related to networks and new media, journalism and communication, drama and film, media and cultural industries, and publishing.


In order to adapt to the trend of cross-disciplinary innovation and the strategic needs for technology-driven new liberal arts development, the school is now building a sci-tech communication center. With the support of the university, the School of Communication is now creating a science and technology communication innovation team of scholars who specialize in research in cross-disciplinary communications fields such as science communication, health communication, environmental communication, communication and technology, new media, mobile communication, and computational communication. The science and technology communication innovation team led by the distinguished professor Wang Guoyan is now inviting outstanding applicants from at home and abroad.

1.     Positions and Benefits

Distinguished Professor

Outstanding scholars with academic influence in the related field, who have achieved international recognition for their achievements but still carry the potential for development, are welcome to apply. The applicant should have published several academic papers in the leading journals in the field over the past five years. Upon passing the university’s appraisal, the applicant will be employed as a distinguished professor and doctoral supervisor. This position can involve targeted benefits; these may be established after individual discussions with the hired candidate. The core benefits are as follows: an annual salary of 0.25-0.6 million and subsidies for the purchase of a house 0.8-1.8 million with initial research funding, A turnover house will be provided.


Excellent Young Scholar

Newly graduated PhD, or PhD candidates who are close to graduation, or post-doctoral researchers from world-class universities are welcome to apply. We recommend that applicants be less than 35 years-old. The applicants shall have at least one year of overseas study experience, a solid foundation of empirical research, and good Chinese and English oral and writing skills. The applicants shall implement innovative research in related fields and make international achievements (SSCI or A&HCI), and be able to undertake the teaching of high quality undergraduate and graduate courses. We are looking for candidates with strong qualifications for becoming academic leaders. The core benefits are as follows: annual salary of 0.2-0.3 million with initial research funding. A turnover house or rental subsidies will be provided. After passing the appraisal, the applicants can be employed as associate professors of class A or lecturers of class B.


Postdoctoral Fellow

Finally, we invite applications from doctors recently graduated from world-class universities at home and abroad, who are younger than 32 years-old. The applicants shall possess good Chinese and English written and oral communication skills, a solid empirical research foundation, and published research results. Scholars in the field of communication are encouraged to apply. We recommend that academics who have backgrounds in the natural sciences, information science, and social sciences turn to cross-disciplinary communication research. The annual salary will be 0.15-0.2 million with extra rental subsidies. After three years of employment, those qualified can be hired as a faculty member at Soochow University.


2.     Required Materials

(1) Resume;

(2) Degree and graduation certificates (an applicant who has not graduated must provide proof of attendance, and previous degree and graduation certificates);

(3) Scientific research results (in PDF version);

(4) Other materials indicating scientific research capability.


3.     Application Procedure

(1) Send the above materials to the designated mailbox;

(2) After the initial screening, an interview is required. Video interviews are acceptable.

(3) After the interview and upon the university’s completion of the appraisal, the application will be notified of the status of their application. The recruiter will keep the application materials confidential.


4.      Contact Information

E-mail: gywang@suda.edu.cn, the subject shall be in the format of “Apply for xxx + Name”.

Address: PCCSU, Dushu Lake Campus of Soochow University, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province


5.     Supplementary Information

Detailed requirements and benefits standards for all types of candidates shall be based on the Soochow University candidate introduction document Implementation Measures for Further Strengthening the Construction of Humanities and Social Sciences Talent Teams released in January 2019 and the interpretation of the Human Resource Department.

See: http://rsc.suda.edu.cn/9a/6d/c1508a301677/page.htm


For more information on SCSU, see the homepage: http://sc.suda.edu.cn/


This recruitment notice is valid for one year, and the preliminary appraisal result is committed to be presented within three days after the application materials are provided.



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