

[转载]10 Tips on How to Write Less Badly 杜克大学教授:提高学术写作水平的10条建议!
2021-3-5 11:02
10 Tips on How to Write Less Badly By Michael C. Munger Most academics, including administrators, spend much of our time writing. But we aren't as good at it as we should be. I have never understood why our trade values, but rarely teaches, nonfiction writing. In my nearly 30 y ...
个人分类: 论文写作|3193 次阅读|没有评论
2019-6-11 17:09
Stojilovic thinks that firslty the photoionization cross section is too small (H1s 5000 times smaller than C1s); secondly, H1s are only valence eletrons and as such participate in chemical bonding.Any signal from hydrogen would overlap with signals from excitation of valenc ...
个人分类: 小知识小技巧|9098 次阅读|没有评论
破解版origin 2018 出现demo的问题
2019-5-10 22:16
把破解版2017中的origin。exe执行程序添加到origin 2018中,运行一次即可。
个人分类: 小知识小技巧|16224 次阅读|没有评论
A comparison between sol-gel method vs hydrothermal method
2019-5-7 16:22
Hydrothermal synthesis has been an interesting technique to prepare materials with different nanoarchitectures such as nanowires, nanorods, nanobelts, nanourchins, and so forth. The main advantage of the hydrothermal technique over other soft chemical routes is the ability to control the n ...
个人分类: 对比研究|2499 次阅读|没有评论
origin页面快速设定-set x=y的正方形图形输出
2019-5-4 16:53
默认origin width 68.24% length 71.77% if width 210 then 200*68.24=x*71.77 length x=200 so set page width 210, length 200, then x=y axis 快速设定,空白页面点击F2,弹出对话框,输入数值210,200即可。
个人分类: 小知识小技巧|8383 次阅读|没有评论
2019-4-28 22:17
使用字符代码的快捷键!unicode 6.2版本 或百度百科中 比如几个材料科学中常用的 α θ μ λ π ℃ ° 03B1 03B8 03BC 03BB 03C0 210 ...
个人分类: 小知识小技巧|3156 次阅读|没有评论
XPS binding energy 参考
2019-4-13 18:41
发现一个网站,特别有用。 NIST X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Database 如此便完成了对所查元素binding energy的查询。
个人分类: 小知识小技巧|9131 次阅读|没有评论
将在PPT中画的图 导入 word,保存矢量图格式
2019-4-11 06:53
试了很久,发现对于不用PS的我,最简单的莫过于:复制ppt里的图元(把需要的部分选中并复制),在word中选择 粘贴-选择性粘贴-增强型图元文件(emf) ,这样矢量图就能保存了。 如果使用ps作图,保存eps格式文件的话,要插入到word中。 可以选择在线转换,eps to emf。不过要注意可能存在字体格式变化的问题。
个人分类: 小知识小技巧|16282 次阅读|没有评论

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