水之魂 (The Soul of Water)分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/ecqsun 《价键弛豫》《计量谱学》《氢键规则》《水合反应》


2014-10-6 13:21
Coordination Chemistry Reviews Available online 23 October 2014 In Press, Accepted Manuscript — Note to users Hydrogen-bond relaxation dynamics: Resolving mysteries of water ice Yongli Huang , Xi Zhang , Zengsheng Ma , Yichun Zhou , Weitao Zheng , Ji Zhou , ...
个人分类: 水之魂|3948 次阅读|没有评论
《化学评论》:配位分辨电子计量谱学 (in press)
2014-10-6 12:56
ZPS-0930.pdf Electron Spectrometrics resolves atomistic, dynamic, local, and quantitative information of bond length,bond energy, charge quantum entrapment and polarization, energy density andatomic cohesive energy pertaining to adatoms, point defects, monolayer skins,terrace edges, i ...
个人分类: 计量能谱|2920 次阅读|没有评论
热度 12 2014-9-23 09:36
从氢键非对称弛豫的角度出发,我们通过 理论解析预测、 实验测量分析、 量子计算等方法系统 定量地证明并阐述 了水的十 个秘密的物理起源及它们之间的内在关联,业已正式发表 : 1. 姆潘巴佯谬 : 热水比冷水结冰快(阿里斯托德,公元前350年) 2. 浮冰现象 :冰的密度为何低?(伽利 ...
个人分类: 水之魂|7704 次阅读|31 个评论 热度 12
姆潘巴效应 = 氢键记忆 + 水皮超固态
2014-9-9 23:04
1 A common supersolid skin covering both water and ice Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2014, 16 , 22987-22994 DOI: 10.1039/C4CP02516D Accepted 18 Aug 2014 http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2014/cp/c4cp02516d#!divAbstract 2 Hydrogen-bond memory a ...
个人分类: 水之魂|3285 次阅读|没有评论
A common supersolid skin covering both water and ice
热度 1 2014-8-15 12:58
PCCP: MS-Skin supersolidity-0814.pdf DOI: 10.1039/C4CP02516D Skins of water and ice share the same attribute of supersolidity characterizedby the identical H-O vibration frequency of 3450 cm -1 . Molecularundercoordination and inter-electron-pair repulsion shortens the H-O bond andlengt ...
个人分类: 水之魂|3498 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
2014-8-13 23:11
APPL SURF SCI tio2-0812.pdf DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.08.078 XPS confirms that atomic undercoordination shortens and stiffens the local bond and induced quantum entrapment and polarization, which narrows the band gap for photon absorption and lowers work function for electron offeri ...
个人分类: 控键工程|2852 次阅读|没有评论
姆潘巴效应-feedback from Rupert Harper
2014-7-2 06:36
Dear Xi Zhang, Yongli Huang, Zengsheng Ma and Chang Q Sun Rupert Harper Congratulations on establishing a MUCH more plausible explanation of the Mpemba effect than any previously published. I entered the Royal Society of Chemisty's competion and was very dissapointed wi ...
个人分类: 水之魂|2777 次阅读|没有评论
2014-6-25 13:11
03-ZPS.pptx Strategies enabled atomicscale, dynamic, local, quantitative information of bond relaxation, quantum entrapment,nonbonding electron polarization, phonon stiffness relaxation pertaining toadatoms, point defects, monolayer skins, terrace edges, impurities, interfaces,nanograins, a ...
个人分类: 控键工程|2636 次阅读|没有评论
2014-5-15 09:07
MS-Skin supersolidity-0504.pdf H-O自发收缩致使O:H伸长极化;H-O负责熔点、高频声子频率和 O1s能级移动;极化负责润滑、疏水;O:H-O伸长负责密度,。。。
个人分类: 水之魂|2684 次阅读|没有评论
Talk 6 - H-bond cooperativity & polarity & water mysteries
热度 1 2014-5-13 15:56
个人分类: 水之魂|3008 次阅读|2 个评论 热度 1

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