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已有 1173 次阅读 2021-1-10 16:08 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载


本文为丹麦技术大学(作者:Petter Lindelöw)的博士论文,共187页。








In this thesis a study of coherent lidars for remote wind sensing is undertaken. Remote wind sensing is important when mast mounted anemometers cannot be used due to economical or practical reasons. One such important field is within the wind energy sector where accurate wind sensing at distances of up to a few hundred meters from the ground is important for site evaluation, turbine power verification and for future applications such as active blade pitch and load control for an optimized output. Coherent lidars can detect very small frequency variations in collected weak light. A viable solution to remotely sense wind is thus to sense the Doppler shift induced on the received light scattered off aerosols suspended in the atmosphere. Fiber based systems are cost effective and robust, and can operate without safety restrictions; they are thus an ideal choice for non-scientific applications. The thesis covers a wide field; the state of the art coherent lidar wind sensors is reviewed, the signal model is expanded upon and results of applied research on commercially available lidars, as well as the development and evaluation of a frequency modulated prototype, are presented. The standard model for coherent lidars sensing dispersed targets was expanded upon by considering the range dependent correlated contribution duration of range gated systems, which significantly affects the narrowband signal to noise description and the weighting of the sample volume. A model of the range dependent collection efficiency obtained by focused fiber based lidars has been developed and verified. These advancements are important for predicting the lidar performance and optimizing the signal processing. A novel frequency modulation concept, which is promising for the remote sensing of wind, was invented in this study. The technique is based on equidistantly frequency stepped pulse trains and a frequency pursuing local oscillator. It operates at high pulse repetition but will despite this avoid the customary disadvantages; range ambiguity and a limitation of the sensing range. This novel concept could provide more accurate systems while avoiding the use of high peak powers which introduces stimulated Brillouin scattering and non-linear effects as well as putting higher demands on other components in the transmitter. A frequency sweeper, appropriate for the invented frequency modulation technique, was constructed and evaluated. This sweeper was subsequently used to modify a continuous wave lidar into a frequency modulated prototype and a proof of principle campaign, demonstrated the merits and limitations of the novel technique. Applied investigations of wind data collected from two different commercial systems revealed that the weighting of the wind distribution spectrum is influenced by single particles with atypically long correlated scatter durations, when sensed by focused continuous wave systems, and by the range dependent collection efficiency, when sensed by focused range gated systems.


1.       基于相干激光雷达的风遥感简介

2. 相干激光雷达

3. 频率调制的相干激光雷达

4. 步进频脉冲串发生器

5. FSPT调制的激光雷达

6. 与风切变成比例的激光雷达测量偏差

7. 光纤相干激光雷达用于风场遥感的结论





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