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已有 1445 次阅读 2021-1-6 17:33 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载


本文为奥地利维也纳应用科技大学(作者:Roman Beneder)的硕士论文,共80页。


本文描述了一个基于μC调试器的软/固件开发。对调试器的功能进行了测试,并与商用调试器进行了比较。所用的μC是来自NXP的LPC1768,基于ARM Cortex-M3内核。本文重点介绍了CM3(Cortex-M3)内核的基本原理,在这个项目中使用了开源和免费的开发工具。主机和调试器之间的通信接口是基于USB的。为了能够与TEP通信,使用了JTAG。由于接口的复杂性,仅对所用接口的选定主题进行了说明。利用OpenOCD与基于USB的调试器进行交互。OpenOCD可用于将预编译的代码传输到TEP,控制代码的执行并检查TEP的状态,能够与调试器进行通信。本文介绍了该驱动程序的结构和功能,实现并记录了在调试器上运行的固件。为了能够验证调试器的功能,执行了各种性能测试。这些测试的结果被记录下来,并与Amontec提供的商用调试器进行比较。Amontec JTAGKey是一种基于FTDI的调试器,应用于许多开发过程。


This thesis describes the Soft-/Firmware development of a μC-based debugger. The functionality of the debugger is tested and compared to commercial available debugger. The used μC is a LPC1768 from NXP and is based on the ARM Cortex-M3 core. This thesis highlights the fundamentals of the CM3 (Cortex-M3) core. In this project open-source and free available development tools were used. The communication interface between the host and the debugger is based on USB. To be able to communicate with the TEP, JTAG was used. Due to the complexity of the interfaces, only selected topics of the utilized interfaces were explained. OpenOCD was used to interact with debugger based on USB. OpenOCD can be used to transfer pre-compiled code to the TEP, to control the code execution and to examine the TEP state. To be able to communicate with the debugger an interface driver was developed. The configuration of this driver and its functionality is explained in this thesis. The firmware, running on the debugger, was implemented and is documented in this thesis. Various performance tests were executed to be able to validate the functionality of the debugger. The results of these tests are documented and compared to a commercial available debugger provided by Amontec. The Amontec JTAGKey is a FTDI-based debugger and is applied in many development processes.


1.       引言

2. 项目说明

3. 基于uC的调试器示例

4. 相关使用接口的选择主题

5. OpenOCD开放式片上调试器

6. Cortex-M3内核概述

7. 项目建立

8. 具体实现

9. 测试环境

10. 性能分析

11. 结论



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