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已有 1370 次阅读 2020-11-2 18:50 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载

本文为荷兰鲁汶大学(作者:Kris DEMARSIN的博士论文,共150页。








CAD models, i.e. computer models representing the geometry of an object,are indispensable in the industry. The creation of a CAD model is typicallybased on reverse engineering: a 3D scanner is used to capture points onthe surface of a physical prototype or a finished part. Constructing a CADmodel from such a set of points (point cloud) requires segmentation of thepoint cloud such that each segment can be approximated by a single surface patch. Therefore, in this thesis we extract closed feature lines from apoint cloud such that these lines segment the point cloud into disjoint pointclusters (segments).

We distinguish three types of feature lines: boundary edges at the borderof a point cloud of a non-closed object; sharp edges which separate pointareas with different normal vectors; and smooth edges that separate pointareas with different curvature. A framework is proposed to extract eachtype of feature lines, based on point clustering and graph processing steps.

The aim of the clustering is to distinguish the feature regions, which contain the feature lines, from the rest of the point cloud. Therefore, specialcharacteristics for each type of feature lines are integrated in the framework.After applying the graph processing steps, the feature regions are reducedto closed feature lines.To assure accurate extraction of all types of feature lines, we propose amulti-level method which extracts boundary and sharp edges from the entire point cloud. Smooth edges are then detected in the subregions that areformed by the boundary and sharp edges.At the end of this thesis we discuss the remaining steps to approximate apoint cloud with surface patches. An algorithm is presented to obtain acurve network, based on the extracted feature lines. Each subregion withits bounding curve can then be approximated by one surface patch.


1.  引言

2.  定义与几何特性

3.  研究背景与动机

4.  特征线提取的框架

5.  边界边沿提取

6.  锐边提取

7.  平滑边提取

8.  曲线网络构建

9.  结论



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