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已有 1919 次阅读 2020-9-23 17:39 |系统分类:科研笔记|文章来源:转载















Path-planningcovers a wide range of applications, from fifinding the trajectory of an agentin a video game, to understanding how protein folds, to driving autonomousrobots in a warehouse, or fifinding a trajectory that avoids cars andpedestrians for a self-driving car. Three main characteristics are often lookedfor in the solution of a path-planning algorithm: (1) the solution should avoidcollisions with obstacles, (2) the solution should be dynamically feasible, and(3) the solution should be optimal (with the optimality criterion depending onthe application: shortest length, fastest time, lowest energy consumption,passenger comfort, passenger safety,...).

Many formulationsexist depending on the type of system involved. One major distinction isbetween systems acting on a continuous search space versus systems acting on adiscrete search space. In both cases, the size of the search space affects howfast a solution can be found. For continuous spaces, the dimensionality of thespace is a major variable in how fast the solution converges. For discretespaces, the cardinality of the space is of prime importance: the worst-caseruntime increases linearly with the cardinality of the space, in the best case,or even faster, in the general case.

In this thesis, wepropose novel algorithms that take advantage of a multi-scale data structurerepresentation of the search-space in order to accelerate path-planning ondiscrete search spaces. We also make use of more conventional optimizationtechniques within sampling-based path-planning algorithms to increase theconvergence rate of these algorithms.

The maincontributions of this thesis are:

1. A path-planning algorithm (the MSPP algorithm) that exploitsmulti-scale information in any dimension n. This extends previous formulations, which were limited to 2D problems,to any dimension. The algorithm is proven to be complete and the underlyingmulti-scale data structure used by the algorithm is shown to work directly withperception algorithms for real-time applications. A theoretical analysis demonstratesthe reduction of the complexity from exponential to linear.

2. A probabilisticimplementation of the MSPP algorithm (the MSPP-S algorithm). This variantallows the use of the MSPP algorithm without an a priori multi-scale datastructure. Sampling is used to estimate the obstacle probabilities, and boundson the probability of losing completeness are derived. Removing the need tobuild the multi-scale data structure reduces the runtime of the algorithm bymultiple orders of magnitude.

3. A numericalexperiment to exhibit convergence properties of sampling-based planningalgorithms (the Hypercube Diagonal Experiment). This experiment shows theconvergence limits of these algorithms as a function of the dimension of thesearch space, and matches the theoretical analysis: the number of samplesrequired for convergence increases exponentially with the dimension of thesearch space.

4. An optimizationsetup to reduce the error of the value function by repositioning the samples inthe search space. The optimization is shown to be easily computable,specififically, the gradient for a specifific sample only requires localinformation. The optimization exhibits good results, in particular, it recoversthe visibility graph for a shortest path with polygonal obstacles.

5. Asampling-based algorithm (the DRRT algorithm) that integrates the optimizationof the error of the value function within the framework of Rapidly-exploringRandom Trees. The DRRT algorithm keeps the quick exploration of the searchspace from the RRT family in order to fifind a fifirst solution rapidly, whilethe added optimization step improves the convergence rate of the algorithm.


1. 引言与文献回顾

2. 离散搜索空间

3. 连续搜索空间

4. 结论与展望




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