潜龙在渊分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/genevalley 关键词:单细胞分析 合成生物学 光合微生物 藻 组学


2011-10-15 06:31
本周Science文章: A Major Environmental Cause of Death William J. Martin et al. Exposure to indoor air pollution from household burning and solid fuels affects nearly half of the world's population. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/summary/334/6053/180 CREDIT: ...
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冷泉港single cell analysis单细胞分析研讨会的相关内幕精华
2011-8-10 00:29
George McNamara • My favorites (in no order): 1. Jim Eberwine (Penn) reported some immature mRNA gets targeted to synapses by 'zip codes' in introns. splicing machinery exists in the synapse, the intron( ...
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