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已有 2705 次阅读 2020-9-29 16:15 |个人分类:论文推荐|系统分类:论文交流

1. Next generation of GIS: must be easy


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Zhu, A. X., Zhao, F. H., Liang, P., & Qin, C. Z. (2020). Next generation of GIS: must be easy. Annals of GIS, 1-16. DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2020.1766563








Existing GIS software mainly target at expert users and do not sufficiently integrate resources for efficient computing. They are difficult for non-experts to use and are often slow in completing the complicated geographic analysis. To address these problems, future generation of GIS software must be ‘easy’. By ‘easy’ we mean ‘easy to use’ and ‘easy to compute’. ‘Easy to use’ means that software system should be goal-oriented, rather than the currently procedure-oriented doctrine. The goal-oriented will relieve users, particularly novice users, the burden of knowing the exact commands and their sequences to perform for achieving the goal they want to achieve. ‘Easy to compute’ means that implementation of GIS analytical functionality should be able to utilize the high-performance computing infrastructures for complicated geographic analysis. Two case studies, one in digital soil mapping and the other in digital terrain analysis, are presented to illustrate the meaning of ‘easy’. We believe that the future generations of GIS platforms should be goal-driven, intelligent, high-performance computing enabled, easily accessible, and participatory. It allows anyone to participate in geo-computation at anywhere and anytime.



2. BIM/GIS integration for Web GIS-based bridge management

面向基于Web GIS桥梁管理的BIM/GIS集成

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Junxiang Zhu, Yi Tan, Xiangyu Wang & Peng Wu (2020): BIM/GIS integration for web GIS-based bridge management, Annals of GIS, DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2020.1743355



建筑信息模型(BIM)和地理信息系统(GIS)的集成有益于建筑、工程和建筑/设施管理(AEC/FM)领域以及地理空间行业。对于GISBIM是获取三维(3D)建筑信息的希望之源,可用于研究智慧城市、绿色建筑、大数据等领域。从行业基础分类(IFC)到shapefile的基础数据转换,可以为GIS提供丰富的建筑信息。但是,由于IFCshapefile使用的建模方法不同,实施这种转换很困难。IFC通常使用边界表达(Brep)、扫掠实体、构造实体几何(CSG)、剪切和映射表达来构建3D对象,而shapefile仅使用Brep。此外,使用不同的坐标系也会导致几何变换问题。在IFC使用的所有实体建模方法中,最常用的是Brep和扫掠实体。与Brep相比,由于必须正确解释和转换在IFC中定义的每种扫掠实体的轮廓,扫掠实体的转换更具挑战性。本文开发了用于解释IFC转换为shapefile时常用扫掠轮廓的算法。使用桥梁模型来验证所提出的方法,并开发了基于Web GIS的桥梁管理系统以阐明转换后shapefile模型的可能用法。




Integration of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Geographic Information System (GIS) can benefit both the Architecture, Engineering and Construction/Facility Management (AEC/FM) domain, and the geospatial industry. For GIS, BIM is a promising source of three-dimensional (3D) building information that can be used in the study of smart city, green building, big data, etc. The underlying data transformation from Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) to shapefile enables GIS to use the rich building information. However, this transformation is difficult due to the different modelling methods used by IFC and shapefile. IFC generally represents 3D objects using boundary representation (Brep), swept solid, constructive solid geometry (CSG), clipping and mapped representation, while shapefile only uses Brep. In addition, the use of different coordinate systems also contributes to the geometry transformation issue. Among all the solid modelling methods used by IFC, Brep and swept solid are the most often used two methods. Compared with Brep, the transformation of swept solid is more challenging as each type of profile for swept solid defined in IFC has to be properly interpreted and converted. This paper develops algorithms to interpret the commonly used profiles of swept solid for the transformation of IFC into shapefile. A bridge model is used to validate the proposed method, and a Web GIS-based bridge management system is developed to demonstrate a possible usage of the transformed shapefile model.

3.Analytical study on the relationship between land surface temperature and land use/land cover indices


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Subhanil Guha, Himanshu Govil, Neetu Gill & Anindita Dey (2020): Analytical study on the relationship between land surface temperature and land use/land cover indices, Annals of GIS, DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2020.1754291


本研究关注于印度赖布尔市的地表温度(LST)估算,着重分析了城市边界内的城市热岛(UHI)和非城市热岛区域,及其与归一化差异植被指数、归一化差异水体指数、归一化建筑指数和归一化多波段干旱指数的关系。整个研究是基于同年的前季风期、季风期、后季风期和冬季四个不同季节的多时相Landsat 8陆地成像仪和热红外传感器图像进行的。城市热岛主要沿城市的北部和南部边缘发展。在普通热岛中,四个不同季节的地表温度在25.72℃35.69℃之间变化。结果表明,在季风期图像和后季风期图像中,地表温度与土地利用/土地覆盖指数的相关性最强,而冬季和前季风期图像的相关性相对较弱。



The present study focuses on the estimating land surface temperature (LST) of Raipur City in India emphasizing the urban heat island (UHI) and non-UHI inside the city boundary and their relationship with normalized difference vegetation index, normalized difference water index, normalized difference built-up index, and normalized multi-band drought index. The entire study has been performed on four multi-date Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager and Thermal Infrared Sensor images taken from four different seasons; pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon, and winter in the same year. The UHI has mainly been developed along the northern and southern periphery of the city. The range of LST in the common UHI for four different seasons varies between 25.72° C and 35.69° C. The results present the strongest correlation between LST and the land use/land cover indices in monsoon and post-monsoon images while winter and pre-monsoon images show a comparatively weak correlation.


4. Why public health needs GIS: a methodological overview


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Fahui Wang (2019): Why public health needs GIS: a methodological overview, Annals of GIS, 26(1), 1-12. DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2019.1702099.









The short paper provides an overview on how geographic issues have become increasingly relevant to public health research and policy, particularly through the lens of geographic information systems (GIS). It covers six themes with an emphasis on methodological issues. (1) Our health-related behaviour varies across geographic settings, so should public health policy. (2) Facilities (supply) and patients (demand) in a health-care market interact with each other across geopolitical borders, and measures of health-care accessibility need to capture that. (3) Our health outcome is the result of joint effects of individual attributes and neighbourhood characteristics, and an adequate definition of neighbourhood is critical for assessing neighbourhood effect. (4) Disease rates in areas of small population are unreliable, and one effective way to mitigate the problem is to construct a larger, internally homogenous and comparable area unit. (5) Defining a scientific geographic unit for health-care market is critical for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to evaluate health-care delivery, and GIS enables us to define the unit (e.g. primary care service areas, hospital service areas, and cancer service areas) automatically, efficiently and optimally. (6) Aside from various optimization objectives around ‘efficiency’, it is as important to plan the location and allocation of health-care resources towards maximum equality in health-care access. Case studies are cited to illustrate each theme.


5. Multi-factor of path planning based on an ant colony optimization algorithm


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Mingchang Wang , Chunyu Zhu , Fengyan Wang , Tingting Li & Xinyue Zhang. (2020). Multi-factor of path planning based on an ant colony optimization algorithm. Annals of GIS, 26(2), 101-112. DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2020.1755725







We propose an improved ant colony algorithm for avoiding obstacles in complex static environments that addresses the problems of a single evaluation factor and low path quality of the traditional ant colony algorithm in path planning. The improvements are: 1) a fuzzy planner is constructed according to the comprehensive evaluation method of fuzzy mathematics and the analytic hierarchy process to comprehensively evaluate and determine the impact of environmental factors, 2) the probability selection formula of the ant colony algorithm is optimized, 3) the pheromone update formula is optimized, and 4) the corner system mechanism is introduced as a post-processing method of path optimization to further smooth the path. Results from simulation experiments of the traditional ant colony algorithm were analysed and compared with those of the improved ant colony algorithm, showing that the latter has a stronger path planning ability and higher algorithm efficiency, resulting in a smoother path with a lower negative impact by environmental factors. Thus, the proposed algorithm is expected to provide a computational basis for effective multi-factor path planning in realistic environments, thereby saving human and material resources.


6.Spatial modelling of shallow landslide susceptibility: a study from the southern Western Ghats region of Kerala, India.


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A. L. Achu, C. D. Aju & Rajesh Reghunath (2020). Spatial modelling of shallow landslide susceptibility: a study from the southern Western Ghats region of Kerala, India., Annals of GIS, 26(2), 113-131. DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2020.1758207



本研究旨在利用Dempster–Shafer、贝叶斯概率和Logistic回归方法,进行印度喀拉拉邦西高止山脉南部的滑坡敏感性制图。我们建立了包含82个滑坡点的清单数据库,并将其用于滑坡敏感性建模。从空间数据库中提取了岩性、地貌特征、坡角、土壤质地、至溪流的距离、至道路的距离、至轮廓线的距离、土地利用/土地覆盖、坡度曲率、降雨量、地形湿度指数和相对地势等12个用于建模的滑坡条件因子。测试了各自变量之间的多重共线性,并绘制了滑坡敏感性地图。通过敏感性、特异性、分类准确性、ROC-AUC、平方平均数误差(RMSE) kappa 指数对所建模型进行了验证。在验证阶段,贝叶斯概率模型的ROC-AUC0.833)、灵敏度(0.870)、特异性(0.800)和kappa指数(0.667)最高,RMSE0.4550)最低。此外,研究表明,在疏林结构性丘陵上的农业区10°–40°斜坡,极易发生滑坡,而且受至道路的距离、至溪流的距离和土壤质地的影响较大。该预测模型对西高止山南部的未来土地利用规划以减轻滑坡灾害风险,具有重要的指导意义。





The study was undertaken to produce the landslide susceptibility maps by using Dempster–Shafer, Bayesian probability and logistic regression methods for the southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India. A landslide inventory database of 82 landslides is prepared and used for landslide susceptibility modelling. Twelve landslide conditioning factors including lithology, geomorphological features, slope angle, soil texture, distance from stream, distance from road, distance from lineaments, land use/land cover, slope curvature, rainfall, topographic wetness index and relative relief are extracted from the spatial database and used for modelling. Multi-collinearity among the independent variables were tested and landslide susceptibility maps are constructed. The constructed models were validated with sensitivity, specificity, classification accuracy, ROC-AUC, root mean square error (RMSE) and kappa index. The Bayesian probability model obtained highest ROC-AUC (0.833), sensitivity (0.870), specificity (0.800) and kappa index (0.667) with least RMSE (0.4550) in validation phase. In addition, the study reveals that the agricultural areas have 10°–40° slopes falling on the denudational structural hills are extremely susceptible to landslide occurrence with extended influence from distance from roads, distance from streams and soil texture. The predicted model is trustworthy for future land use planning in the southern Western Ghats to mitigate the risk from landslide hazard.


7. Integration of spatialization and individualization: the future of epidemic modelling for communicable diseases


To cite this article:

Meifang Li, Xun Shi & Xia Li (2020): Integration of spatialization and individualization: the future of epidemic modelling for communicable diseases, Annals of GIS.

DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2020.1768438.








In the past several decades, epidemic modelling for communicable diseases has experienced transitions from treating the entire study area as a whole to addressing spatial variation within the area, and from targeting the entire population to incorporating characteristics of categorized subpopulations and finally going down to the individual level. These transitions have been first driven by the recognition that generalizations of space and population in conventional epidemic modelling may have hampered the effectiveness of the modelling; they then have been supported by increasingly available data that allow depiction of detailed spatiotemporal characteristics of an epidemic, as well as those characteristics of the environment in both human and natural aspects; and finally they have been facilitated by developments in geographic information science, data science, computer science, and computing technologies. Based on a review of a variety of recently developed communicable disease models, we explicitly put forward the notions of spatialization and individualization in this area, and point out that the integration of the two is the future of communicable disease modelling. We also point out that in this area models based on the object conceptualization are good at modelling spatiotemporal process, whereas models based on the field conceptualization are good at representing spatialized information. We propose a procedural framework of epidemic modelling that implements the integration of individualization and spatialization, integration of object-based process and field-based representation, and integration of modelling that retrospectively traces infection relationships based on historical patient data and modelling that prospectively predicts such relationships of future epidemics.


8. Modernization and female labour force participation in Oman: spatial modelling of local variations


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 Shawky Mansour, Talal Al-Awadhi, Noura Al Nasiri & Ali Al Balushi (2020): Modernization and female labour force participation in Oman: spatial modelling of local variations, Annals of GIS, DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2020.1768437.









In spite of the fact that labour market structures and mechanisms vary geographically between countries from the same region as the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, spatial variations of labour force participation can also be identified in every single country. Local variations in women’s employment are often influenced by several driving forces particularly modernization characteristics. In this research, advanced GIS algorithms were utilized to model female labour force participation (FLFP) in Oman. Several explanatory variables such as female education, urbanization, private sector jobs, divorce rates and female administrative jobs were used as predictors of FLFP rates. The global Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and local Geographically Weighted Regression models were fitted to spatially investigate and predict the distribution patterns of FLFP rates over the Omani wilayats. Although the global model fitted the female employment data moderately well, the findings of the GWR model seems inherently more realistic since they allow the impacts of various parameters on FLFP to vary spatially over space. The results of this study revealed that education and urbanism both have significant positive impacts on predictions for the labour force participation of women. The synergy of local spatial modelling with GIS techniques provides insights into improving women’s employment shares in Oman. Quantifying spatial variations of FLFP rates and their associations helps further our understanding of the driving forces which are responsible for modernization while at the same time recognizing the factors that increase or decrease women’s participation in the local labour.


9. Groundwater vulnerability assessment using modified SINTACS model in Wadi Shueib, Jordan

基于改进SINTACS模型的约旦Wadi Shueib地下水脆弱性评价

Muheeb Awawdeh, Noor Al-Kharbsheh, Mutawakil Obeidat & Mohsen Awawdeh

To cite this article:

 Muheeb Awawdeh, Noor Al-Kharbsheh, Mutawakil Obeidat & Mohsen Awawdeh. (2020). Groundwater vulnerability assessment using modified SINTACS model in Wadi Shueib, Jordan, Annals of GIS. DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2020.1773535.



水资源短缺是约旦面临的最严重的环境挑战。由于地下水大约提供了约旦中部Wadi Shueib地区总用水量的50%,因此地下水资源需要很好的保护和管理。本研究利用GIS技术,采用改进的SINTACS模型对Wadi ShueibAs-Salt 市南部的一个山谷)流域的内在脆弱性进行评估。模型的调查区域包括极高度潜在污染区域、高度潜在污染区域和中度潜在污染区域,各区域覆盖率分别小于1%26%51%。高潜在污染主要受以下参数的综合影响:非饱和带、含水层介质、水系密度和有效渗透。敏感性分析结果表明:水系密度对地下水脆弱性指数的计算具有重要意义。并将选定的井水和泉水中测量的硝酸盐浓度与模型进行了比较,以检验其可靠性。模型的验证率超过70%,说明该建模方法是可接受的。此外,土地利用和土地覆盖类别与脆弱性类别具有很好的匹配关系,可作为地下水脆弱性指标。即使在这种复杂的水文地质环境中,SINTACS方法也证明了其通用性。


SINTACS,地下水,脆弱性,Wadi Shueib,地理信息系统



Water scarcity is the most serious environmental challenge that Jordan faces. Water resources require better protection and management as groundwater accounts for about 50% of the water usage in Wadi Shueib, central Jordan. Intrinsic vulnerability for Wadi Shueib (a valley located south of As-Salt city) watershed was assessed using modified SINTACS model using GIS techniques. According to our model, the investigated area encompassed very high, high and moderate areas of potential pollution with area coverage <1%, 26% and 51%, respectively. The high potential pollution is mainly influenced by combined contributions of parameters such as; unsaturated zone, aquifer media, lineaments density and effective infiltration.

Sensitivity analysis indicates that lineament density is significant for the calculation of the groundwater vulnerability index. Nitrate concentrations measured in selected wells and springs were compared with the model to inspect its reliability. The validation rate of our model reaches more than 70%, which is an indication of acceptable modelling approach. Moreover, there was a good match of vulnerability classes with land use land cover categories as indicators of groundwater vulnerability. The SINTACS method proved its versatility even in this complex hydrogeological environment.


10 3D spatial morphological analysis of mound tombs based on LiDAR data


To cite this article: 

Lin YANG, Yehua SHENG, Anping PEI & Yi WU. (2020). 3D spatial morphological analysis of mound tombs based on LiDAR data, Annals of GIS. DOI: 10.1080/19475683.2020.1780313.









Mound tombs, popular in the south Yangzi River area in Shang and Zhou Dynasties, are regional cultural remains in China. With the aims of protecting and scientifically analysing cultural relics, laser scanning technology was adopted to study Zhaihuatou mound tombs located in Nonglin Village in Tianwang town, Jiangsu Province. Multiple tombs are held within one mound in good keep and with the typical construction of centripetalism. Accurate tomb LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) data were acquired by applying terrestrial laser scanning technology to the field mound excavation. Subsequently, a spatial morphological analysis of the tombs was conducted on the basis of archaeological rules and GIS spatial data processing methods. Using the theory of centripetalism construction of multi-tomb-one-mounds, we proposed an algorithm to determine the concentrated area of the geometric directions of tombs, and centripetalism theory was scientifically validated in comparing results with the excavation data. Spatial data clustering methods were used to analyse and deduce the spatial distribution characteristics of the tombs. We propose and demonstrate that the burial system is in the form of family-clan aggregation, and is useful for developing research on regional burials. Experimental data show that the proposed method is a novel example of how spatial analysis can foster more precise field archaeological excavations on a large scale, and it is significant to study various types of tombs, relics and ruins.



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