
热度 5 张洁 2011-5-30 11:31
When I read this bolg this morning ( http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=569569do=blogid=448000 ) It suddenly downed on me that why couldn't I write the blog in English! I have always been learning English very hard,I passed the college ...
4287 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 5
热度 3 张洁 2011-4-29 11:40
有一头驴,掉到了一个很深很深的废弃的陷阱里。主人权衡一下,认为救它上来不划算,走了,只留下它孤零零的自己。每天,还有人往陷阱里面倒垃圾,驴很生气:自己真倒霉,掉到了陷阱里,主人不要他了,就连死也不让他死得舒服点,每天还有那么多垃圾扔在他旁边。 可是有一天 ...
9036 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 3
热度 3 张洁 2011-4-17 22:04
今晚读了几篇饶毅教授的文章,只能用一个词来形容——“爽”,博友们评论的确给力,让人有种不吐不快的快感!有如男人一泄千里的快感! 在这我谈谈自己大学的同学和我认识的一些研究生他们的境遇,结合自己的思考, ...
5805 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 3
张洁 2011-4-4 21:21
If you do not mind ,I will express my thoughts in English as mush as possible.I have just read your blog,I must say that I couldn't agree with you more! First ,all man are created equal,we could not judge a person by his konwledge or socil status.second,I had just checked how to say ...
2587 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 张洁 2011-3-13 20:17
Dear Professor Luo: If you do not mind ,I will express my thoughts in English as mush as possible.I have just read your blog,I must say that I couldn't agree with you more! First ,all man are created equal,we could not judge a person by his ...
3077 次阅读|4 个评论 热度 1
热度 1 张洁 2011-3-12 21:28
最近酝酿的很久,觉得该要发论文了。这两天一鼓作气把一本《连接--网络新科学》看完了。书的作者艾伯特-拉斯洛.巴拉巴拉是美国圣母院大学教授,在多个领域有开创性贡献,里面太多东西很有趣,这让我对于那些在复杂网络厌旧的道路上披荆斩棘的科学家心生敬佩!书中谈到了许多复杂网络研究的历程,我不禁为他们的聪明才智 ...
2626 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1

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