


已有 2400 次阅读 2018-5-7 11:05 |个人分类:AGER期刊|系统分类:论文交流


Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2018, 2(2): 173-189



  加拿大核监管机构(CNSC)、加拿大核安全委员会数十年来一直在进行THMC耦合工艺的独立实验和理论研究。作为这项研究的一部分,委员会利用了实验室测试和地下研究实验室(URL)的大尺度实验的实验数据,来开发模拟工程和天然地质处理屏障耦合过程的数学框架。最近,加拿大和安全委员会的Thanh Son Nguyen教授描述了这个数学框架,并展示了它是如何适应和应用于以下几种情况的:URL中的水和气体注入实验,URL中的加热器实验以及九个冰川旋回在沉积岩中的影响。

Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical processes in geological disposal of radioactive waste – An example of regulatory research

Thanh Son Nguyen

(Published: 2018-03-26)

CorrespondingAuthor and Email: Thanh Son Nguyen,

Citation: Nguyen, T.S. Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical processes in geological disposal of radioactive waste – An example of regulatory research. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2018, 2(2): 173-189, doi: 10.26804/ager.2018.02.06.

ArticleType: Original article


      Deep  geological  disposal  is  being  considered  in  Canada  and  many  other  countries  as the most viable option for the long-term management of radioactive waste. The disposal method consists of emplacing the waste in a repository built at hundreds of metres depth in a suitable host rock. A multi-barrier system, that includes the host rock formation as a major component, would be provided in order to protect humans and the environment from the harmful effects of the waste for very extensive time periods. Many events and processes are expected to occur during the lifetime of the repository, such as heat generation from the waste, seismicity and glaciation. As a result of those events and processes the Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical (THMC) regimes in the natural and engineered components of the multi-barrier system will be perturbed, and the evolution of the THMC regimes and how this evolution affects the multi-barrier performance need to be understood.

      The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC), Canada’s nuclear regulator, has been conducting independent experimental and theoretical research on coupled THMC processes for several decades. As part of this research, the CNSC used experimental data from laboratory tests and large-scale experiments at underground research laboratories (URL) in order to develop a mathematical framework for the simulation of coupled processes in engineered and natural barriers for geological disposal. In this paper, we describe that mathematical framework and show examples of how it was adapted and applied to several situations: water and gas injection experiment at an URL, a heater experiment at an URL, and the effects of nine glacial cycles in a sedimentary rock formation.

Keywords: Radioactive wastes, geological disposal, coupled processes


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