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2007-11-23 20:30
Nature 中对于指责剽窃的反驳文章,申辩理由为:我们仅仅是借用了更好的英语。同时指出,在 Introduction 部分引用文献中的句子是为了更好的表述同一领域内大家共同关注的问题。 Nature 449 , 658 (11 October 2007) | doi:10.1038/ 449658a ; Published online 10 October 2007 ...
个人分类: 百家|6483 次阅读|没有评论
2007-11-23 14:25
刘建国blog上的一篇文章,地址: (一直在想这个刘建国是不是nature上的那篇Complexity of Coupled Human and Natural Systems的作者Jianguo Liu呢) 动态网络分析一直是复杂网络研究领域的一个非常活跃的领域。对于与日俱 ...
个人分类: 复杂系统|11064 次阅读|没有评论
Connections Get You Everywhere, but Slowly
热度 1 2007-11-20 15:51
11月2日PRL上有一篇文章,今天才有时间看,提出一个有限路径渗渝(Limited Path Percolation, LPP)模型,理论上解决了一个网络何时开始变得效率低下的问题,而不像以往的研究只关注一个网络什么时候开始坍塌,在APS的focus上有相关的评论 Limited Path Percolation in Complex Networks Eduardo L ...
个人分类: 复杂系统|7161 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
Mark Newman在University of Michigan讲Network theory的课程提纲
热度 1 2007-11-20 09:37
Complex Systems 535: Network Theory Instructor: Mark Newman Winter 2004 General resources There is no set text for this course because no one has written one yet. But here are some general references that, between them, cover much of the material. ...
个人分类: 复杂系统|13060 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
Percolation Theory and Forest Fires --Simulation
2007-11-20 09:11
Simulation Animation The network graph (Delaunay triangulation DT(V) ) is shown below. The nodes, representing cells, have been numbered from 0 to 19. A coordinate system is used so that distance and orientation of edges is defined. To simulate the spread of fire, we consider ...
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Percolation Theory and Forest Fires --Finite Percolation Network
2007-11-20 09:08
Finite Percolation Network The model of the fire spread network is a finite model on the Euclidean Delaunay Triangulation in E 2 . There are many possible percolation models of networks on spanning trees and other graph structures. However, the modeling of fire spread on the Delaunay triangula ...
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Percolation Theory and Forest Fires --Forest Fire Modeling
2007-11-20 09:05
Forest Fire Modeling Percolation has been used to model fire spread on a square lattice, each square representing a tree earlier as one of the Applications of Percolation Theory. Here we represent the forest as a Voronoi Network. The fire spread network (graph) F ...
个人分类: 复杂系统|7091 次阅读|没有评论
Percolation Theory and Forest Fires -- Applications
2007-11-20 09:04
Applications of Percolation Theory Percolation is a model for disordered media. Below, we consider some applications of percolation theory that illustrate the modeling aspects of percolation in diverse situations. 1. Forest fires The propagation of a fire thou ...
个人分类: 复杂系统|7097 次阅读|没有评论
Percolation Theory and Forest Fires--Types of Percolation
2007-11-20 09:03
Types of Percolation There are two types of percolation, depending how one views the lattice: site percolation and bond percolation. In site percolation one views the lattice as a rectangular array of squares. Each square is populated by a dot, or is colored blac ...
个人分类: 复杂系统|5802 次阅读|没有评论
Percolation Theory and Forest Fires --Introduction
2007-11-20 09:01
Introduction to Percolation Theory We illustrate percolation with an example. A square lattice is shown in Figure 1a. Imagine the lattice to be infinitely extended in all directions. Let's label each square of the lattice to be either in ...
个人分类: 复杂系统|6717 次阅读|没有评论

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