


已有 4959 次阅读 2013-12-25 08:11 |个人分类:安全科学理论|系统分类:科研笔记


近日我在Elsevier.com下载了一篇在《安全科学》(SafetyScience)待印发表的文章“安全科学的几个问题(Issues in safetyscience)”,该文章由澳大利亚国立大学社会科学学院Andrew Hopkins教授撰写,其中有一节讨论了“安全科学的边界问题(The boundaries ofsafety science)”。其实,这类问题在我国已经讨论了几十年了,目前还是没有权威的说法,还是理不清道不明。该文章假设由中国作者去撰写和投稿,我估计《安全科学》是不会接受发表的。









附原文:The boundaries of safety science

Andrew Hopkins

(Australian National University, School ofSociology, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia)

Asa reviewer for the journal, SafetyScience, I frequently find myself asking: is the subject of this articlereally safety science? Is it suitable for this journal? For instance, I recentlyreviewed an article entitled: ‘‘A one-piece coal mine mobile refuge chamber withsafety structure and less risk of sealing under shock wave’’. I returned thepaper to the editor saying: ‘‘My view is that this paper is pure engineeringand therefore not appropriate for the journal. However this is really a matter ofpolicy so you might like to think about making a policy decision.’’ The journaleditor subsequently wrote to the author saying: ‘‘It seems to me not to beappropriate for publication in the journal’’. Was this the right outcome? Itdepends on what we mean by safety science.

Accordingto the editorial statement: SafetyScience serves as an international medium for research in the science andtechnology of human safety. It extends from safety of people at work to otherspheres, such as transport, leisure and home, as well as every other field ofman’s hazardous activities. Safety Science is multidisciplinary. Itscontributors and its audience range from psychologists to chemical engineers.The journal covers the physics and engineering of safety; its social, policyand organizational aspects; the management of risks; the effectiveness ofcontrol techniques for safety; standardization, legislation, inspection, insurance,costing aspects, human behavior and safety and the like. Taking this statementat face value, the decision referred to above was the wrong one. But it is notas simple as this. Safety Science is a peer-reviewed journal. This can onlywork if there is some relevant community of peers. If it proves impossible tofind people within the safety science community with the necessary expertise toact as reviewers, submissions cannot be assessed. Moreover, even if they can beassessed, they will not be read if they fall quite outside the areas of interestof this particular community. In other words the journal and its contents areinevitably and properly shaped by its readership and by its reviewers, not justby an abstract definition. My judgment was that the article mentioned above layoutside the areas of expertise and interest of the current readership of SafetyScience and that it would better sent to some journal of mining engineering,where editors will not have such difficulty finding peer reviewers and it ismore likely to be read. This position has far reaching implication s. Itinvolves the exercise of what has been called a ‘‘gate-keeping function’’. Moreover,influencing the content of the journal in this way necessarily influences theboundaries of safety science itself. The editorial statement above assumes thatsafety science can be defined independently of its practitioners. I believe, onthe contrary, that the content of safety science must be inferred from theactivities of its practitioners. This means that as the safety sciencecommunity evolves, so too will the subject. For instance, climate change is a massivethreat to human safety, and is theoretically encompassed by the editorialstatement. But climate science is not currently part of safety science,although one can easily imagine the safety science community embracing aspectsof climate science in the future, with the journal evolving accordingly. Allthis raises the question of what is meant by the safety science community.Again, I think the answer is pragmatic rather than principled. The safetyscience community consists of people who are associated with self-identifiedschools of safety science, who go to safety conferences, who read each other’ssafety-related publications, and so on. This is a messy definition, but it isone that recognizes the fluid and shifting nature of safety science. It would takea network analysis to identify the community with greater clarity. As I writethese words I see that Safety Science has recently accepted for publication anarticle entitled: ‘‘Effect of spark duration on explosion parameters ofmethane/air mixtures in closed vessels’’. I would have judged this to beoutside the current community of interest. Clearly other reviewers and editorstake a different view. The authors of the article come from the State KeyLaboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute ofTechnology. It would seem that Chinese researchers are testing the currentboundaries and seeking to join what I have called the safety science community.The preceding discussion is about the subject matter of safety science. It doesnot deal with the question of whether or to what extent safety science is trulya science. That question will no doubt be addressed by other contributor s tothis issue.

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