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热度 1上传于 2011-10-26 17:08 (134 KB)

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IP: 193.1.165.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2011-10-26 17:16
Yesterday,talked to shea, Marta said I have no idea what I was doing! 听完就崩溃咧!But,I think, they are right! Sometimes, no, most of times, I just wanted to do the experients in a rush! Didn't ask myself, should I do this?Why I do it in this way? Is it right to do like this? Which is the best way to do it?.....Use your mind!
IP: 193.1.165.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2011-10-26 17:16
BTW, the sun is so beautiful outside now! Cest la via! ^_^
IP: 193.1.165.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2011-10-26 21:35
if you think in his shoes, you will find the best deal for yourself.
IP: 193.1.165.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2011-10-26 21:38
18、不要觉得因为你做之前做了什么,之后就一定要做什么,你只做你想做的事情,为此你可能付出别人无法想象的努力,遭遇别人的不理解,遇到别人遇不到的困难,但是,hey, it feels so good when you did it。

19、DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY。我觉得自己一直以来不妥协不放弃,坚持去做自己有认同感的事情,无论多么难,都努力去披荆斩棘,为的就是这几个字吧。
IP: 193.1.165.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2011-10-26 21:40
25、我慢慢意识到了人生最重要的是时间,是quality time,钱不过是获得quality time的一个途径,不是唯一途径。quality time有很多成分,生活的质量是一部分,事业上的成功感是一部分,家庭是一部分,万事都是在寻找一个平衡。
IP: 193.1.165.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2011-10-26 21:41
I have no complains.
IP: 193.1.165.*   JANEWANGJK55 发表了评论   2011-10-26 21:42
The beauty of life is in its uncertainties
IP: 221.11.67.*   dengfanchen 发表了评论   2012-1-2 16:12

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