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已有 5398 次阅读 2013-5-9 09:23 |个人分类:科研道路|系统分类:科研笔记| MATLAB, OpenCV, 工具箱

全文转自: http://www.cs.stonybrook.edu/~kyamagu/mexopencv/

Collection and a development kit of matlab mex functions for OpenCV library

This software package provides matlab mex functions that interface a hundred of OpenCV APIs. Also the package contains a C++ class that converts between Matlab's native data types and OpenCV data types. The package is suitable for fast prototyping of OpenCV application in Matlab, use of OpenCV as an external toolbox in Matlab, and the development of a custom mex function.

Note: The OpenCV developers are planning to implement Matlab wrappers as of February 2013. While the mexopencv will be kept as a private project, let's see how the official wrappers come out.



Please refer the above link for how to compile the source code. Usually it is as easy as typing mexopencv.make in matlab.

If you're using git,

Getting started

Here is an example of how simple it is to use an OpenCV function from matlab:

% Load a face detector and an image
detector = cv.CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml');
im = imread('myface.jpg');
% Preprocess
gr = cv.cvtColor(im, 'RGB2GRAY');
gr = cv.equalizeHist(gr);
% Detect
boxes = detector.detect(gr, 'ScaleFactor',  1.3, ...
                           'MinNeighbors', 2, ...
                           'MinSize',      [30, 30]);
% Draw results
fori = 1:numel(boxes)
   rectangle('Position',  boxes{i}, ...
             'EdgeColor', 'g');

Would you like to use a camera input? No problem.

% Connect to a camera
camera = cv.VideoCapture();
fori = 1:50
   % Capture and show frame
   frame = camera.read;

The package already contains more than 150 OpenCV functions/classes. You can check a list of supported functions in the online documentation. If there isn't your favorite one, you can easily add a new mex function through MxArray class. MxArray is a data conversion utility for Matlab's native array and OpenCV data types. With this class, your mex function is as simple as the following:

#include "mexopencv.hpp"
voidmexFunction( intnlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                 intnrhs, constmxArray *prhs[] )
   // Check arguments
   if(nrhs!=2 || nlhs>1)
       mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("myfunc:invalidArgs", "Wrong number of arguments");
   // Convert MxArray to cv::Mat and cv::Size
   cv::Mat src = MxArray(prhs[0]).toMat(), dst;
   cv::Size ksize = MxArray(prhs[1]).toSize();
   // Use your favorite OpenCV function
   cv::blur(src, dst, ksize);
   // Convert cv::Mat back to mxArray*
   plhs[0] = MxArray(dst);

Check the README file and the developer documentation for detail.


The code may be redistributed under The BSD 3-Clause License.


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