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2011 CCF 通讯
2013-8-3 09:32
contents 1 从传感网到物联网:微型操作系统的现状与未来 董 玮 陈 纯 卜佳俊 关键词:节点操作系统 1 引言 Question: -- 无线传感节点是否需要操作系统? -- 节点操作系统应该提供怎样的功能? &n ...
个人分类: PhD road|4479 次阅读|没有评论
review: Io, a Small Programming Language
2013-7-17 22:04
Io, a Small Programming Language Steve Dekorte OOPSLA’05, October 16-20, 2005, San Diego, California, USA. ABSTRACT Io is small prototype-based programming language. The ideas in Io are mostly inspired by Smalltalk (all values are objects), Self (prototype-based), ...
个人分类: language|3345 次阅读|没有评论
review: Editorial
2013-7-4 21:52
contents 1 Clouds and service-oriented architectures 2 Trust, security and privacy for pervasive applications 3 Special issue on collective intelligence 4 Novel approaches in the design and implementation of system/software architectures 5 Model-driven provisioning of application services in ...
个人分类: Software|3370 次阅读|没有评论
review: Preface to Special Issue on Software Verification
2013-7-4 19:30
Preface to Special Issue on Software Verification C.A.R. HOARE and JAYADEV MISRA ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 41, No. 4, Article 18, Publication date: October 2009 concurrent programming -- temporal logic -- process algebras &nb ...
个人分类: Formal method|2843 次阅读|没有评论

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