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review: Io, a Small Programming Language
2013-7-17 22:04
Io, a Small Programming Language Steve Dekorte OOPSLA’05, October 16-20, 2005, San Diego, California, USA. ABSTRACT Io is small prototype-based programming language. The ideas in Io are mostly inspired by Smalltalk (all values are objects), Self (prototype-based), ...
个人分类: language|3346 次阅读|没有评论
review: Goldilocks: A Race-Aware Java Runtime
2012-8-5 09:05
Goldilocks: A Race-Aware Java Runtime By Tayfun Elmas, Shaz Qadeer, and Serdar Tasiran november 2010 | vol. 53 | no. 11 | communications of the acm 85 Abstract We present Goldilocks , a Java runtime that monitors program executions and throws a DataRaceException when a da ...
个人分类: language|2744 次阅读|没有评论
2011-8-5 10:18
*** ##一种面向服务的业务过程建模语言 邢少敏􀀁 􀀁 周伯生􀀁 􀀁 陈天影 (北京航空航天大学计算机学院, 北京100191 ) **摘要** 通过对现有业务过程建模语言的分析指出了其对面向服务支持的不足,以可视化过程建模语言VPML( Visual Process Modeling Language)为基础, 提出了一种面 ...
个人分类: language|2698 次阅读|没有评论

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