物理文化与施郁世界线分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/yushi



已有 4474 次阅读 2015-4-22 09:42 |系统分类:观点评述






前面讨论了原文中是these stepsthose discoveries,只是因为翻译应该尊重原文,不能用自己的理解去改动原文。改动原文倒是种别样的削足适履,而且类似于科研上的改动数据。

不过,就爱因斯坦这封信而言,用those discoveries和用these discoveries,基本含义却不改变。

也就是说,我的理解是:those discoveriesthese steps都是西方人走出的那两步。而把这两个代词用thesethose代换的四种可能说法都不改变这个基本含义,虽然会有语气上的微妙变化。

一个恰当的信函(不象现在可以迅速交流的、非正式的电子邮件)应该是自足的(self contained),不可以用同样或类似的词突然改指其他东西。爱因斯坦前文提到了inventdiscovery,那么这里的复数discoveries显然是指二者。笼统地用discoveries来包括inventdiscovery,在英文里是可以的。这类似于用大学统指大学和学院。读过一些爱因斯坦原文的人应该知道他的写作是很有逻辑性的,不会不作交代突然改变某个词的含义。如果爱因斯坦想谈中国人的发现或发明,他会意识到要和前面的inventdiscovery区分开来的。




在英文native speakers来看,大概不成问题。



A letter to Signor Rocco, Minister of State, Rome.


    My dear Sir,


    Two of the most eminent and respected men of science in Italy

    have applied to me in their difficulties of conscience and

    requested me to write to you with the object of preventing, if

    possible, apiece of cruel persecution with which men of learning

    are threatened in Italy. I refer to a form of oath in which fidelity

    to the Fascist system is to be promised. The burden of my

    request isthat you should please advise Signor Mussolini to

    spare the flower of Italy's intellect this humiliation.


    However much our political convictions may differ, I know that

    we agree onone point: in the progressive achievements of the

    Europeanmind both of us see and love our highest good. Those

    achievements are based on the freedom of thought and of

    teaching, on the principle that the desire for truth must take

    precedence of all other desires. It was this basis alone that

    enabled our civilization to take its rise in Greece and to celebrate

    its rebirth in Italy at the Renaissance.This supreme good has

    been paid for by the martyr's blood of pure and great men, for

    whose sake Italy is still loved and reverencedto-day.


    Far be it from me to argue with you about what inroads on

    human liberty may be justified by reasons of State. But the

    pursuit of scientific truth, detached from the practical interests of

    everyday life, ought to be treated as sacred by every

    Government,and it is in the highest interests of all that honest

    servants of truth should be left in peace. This is also undoubtedly

    in theinterests of the Italian State and its prestige in the eyes of

    the world.


    Hoping thatmy request will not fall on deaf ears, I am, etc.


    A. E.





(1) 爱因斯坦有时用those指刚刚说过的内容。所以在给Switzer的信中,用those discoveries指前文的inventdiscovery,或者these steps,没有问题。

(2) 爱因斯坦在这里就谈到了后来和Switzer谈到的古希腊和文艺复兴。他认为“the freedom of thought and of teaching” 以及 “the desire for truth must take precedence of all other desires”“enabled”“our civilization”在古希腊的兴起和文艺复兴的重生.


上一篇:谈爱因斯坦回信(1): “these steps”
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