袁金平分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/jinpingyuan

  • 国防科技大学五院,博士

    • 信息科学->自动化->人工智能与知识工程


已有 28440 人来访过

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  • 博文: 11
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  • 分享: 2
About me
Hi, I'm a sunny PhD student.
My general research interests are in Argumentation and Argumentation-based Multi Agent System, Mix-Initial Reasoning, and also Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services.
More specifically, I used to work on Agent and Multi Agent System, Semantic Web and Web services.
And now, I am interesting in Argumentation and Argumentation-based Multi Agent System (ArgMAS), especially Distributed Argumentation. Inspired of argumentation technology, We try to combine technologies of Argumentation and Agent for an Argumentative Agent for Decision Making. Our final purpose is to propose a novel method for DM, dialectical reasoning in uncertain information setting.
Longing for your help 2011-06-21
最近用Java基于JADE平台实现MASDR的辩论agent,运行过程中总是出现如下异常,虽然异常不会影响结果,但很是讨厌! 在网上搜索了好久,没有找到能够解决的方法。 ...
Accepted Papers of TAFA-11 2011-05-28
Full Presentation (25 minutes presentation, 10 minutes questions) • Pietro Baroni, Federico Cerutti, Paul Dunne and Mass ...
Accepted Papers and Research Abstracts of ICAIL 2011 2011-05-28
Accepted Papers Semantic Models for Policy Deliberation , Katie M. Atkinson , Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon, Dan Cartwright, and Adam Z. Wyne ...
CFPs on AI 2011-05-22
1) AAI2011 The 24th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence   5th-8th December 2011, Murdoch University, Wes ...
On Argue tuProlog 2011-05-11
About this project: This is the Argue tuProlog project ("arguetuprolog") This project was registered on SourceForge.net on Aug 27, 2010, a ...
Chinese argumentation researchers 2011-03-19
Jinping YUAN :phD PhD Jinping Yuan https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jinping_Yuan Department of Information System, College of Information ...


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leileiya 2013-10-11 22:05
      问卷地址是:http://www.sojump.com/jq/2709468.aspx 将此链接复制进浏览器的地址栏,然后按回车键即可,非常感谢您!!!
leileiya 2013-10-11 22:05
      问卷地址是:http://www.sojump.com/jq/2709468.aspx 将此链接复制进浏览器的地址栏,然后按回车键即可,非常感谢您!!!
alexshun 2013-3-29 14:09

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