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ocean warming-oxygen dissolveing-fish dead
2009-2-19 22:35
Trouble in the water. Warming seas could mean less dissolved oxygen--and more dead fish. Credit: Jupiter Images The Oceans' Global Warming Hangover By Phil Berardelli Science NOW Daily News 26 January 2009 Even if humans can rein in the atmosphere's carbon dioxide content by the e ...
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Culture Shock May Explain Similarity Between Humans
2009-1-11 23:06
Cultural barrier. Body paint is just one of the ways different cultures, such as these highlanders from Papua New Guinea, distinguish themselves--and, perhaps, limit gene flow. Credit: Bruno Cossa/Grand Tour/Corbis Culture Shock May Explain Similarity Between Humans By Ann Gibbons Sc ...
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2008-12-22 22:43
撒哈拉从绿洲变沙漠经历漫长过程 2008年05月10日11:33 来源:新华网   新华网巴黎5月9日电(记者李学梅)提到撒哈拉沙漠,人们首先想到的就是非洲那片寸草不生的荒漠,不过一个国际研究小组日前发现,撒哈拉沙漠原来曾是一片绿洲,它经过了漫长的过程才变成如今的模样。 ...
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书籍 :枪炮、病菌、钢铁-我们的未来
热度 1 2008-12-21 19:43
最近接触到的两本书: 《枪炮、病菌、钢铁-我们的未来》 《出非洲记》 虽然不知道内容写得是什么,但是一直觉得应该看一下。 看看看看看
个人分类: 科学知识|4192 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
2008-12-16 17:27
世界科技报道 :针对喜马拉雅山冰川有可能在2035年完全消失的报道,中科院专家、玉龙雪山冰川与环境观测研究站长何元庆昨日表示,从他观测的情况来看,不可能出现这种现象。   何元庆告诉记者,玉龙雪山融化的要比喜马拉雅山冰川快,但是根据他的观测,玉龙雪山平均一年厚度也就减薄3米,他认为一年减少22米的高度,是 ...
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Pompeii family's final hours reconstructed意大利科学家重现庞培家族最后时刻
2008-12-16 16:54
Pompeii family's final hours reconstructed Not all residents were killed by the devastating wave of gas and rock Claudio Scarpati After the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, many Pompeiians fled into the streets ...
个人分类: 科学知识|5339 次阅读|没有评论

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