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已有 26122 人来访过

ubuntu 16.04 配置自己的PPTP服务器 2017-11-08
I Enviroments Ubuntu 14.04 LTS/16.04 LTS PPTP iptables II Prerequisites 1. PPTP $ sudo apt-get install pptpd # install pptpd $ su ...
ubuntu系统中Apache2配置虚拟主机和反向解析 2017-09-19
I Enviroments Ubuntu 14.04 LTS/16.04 LTS Apache2 II Steps $ sudo a2enmod proxy proxy_http # Load modols of proxy,proxy_http $ sudo v ...
Ubuntu安装和维护nodejs和express 2017-09-19
I Enviroments Ubuntu 14.04 LTS/16.04 LTS Node.js 6.11.3 LTS II Prerequisites 1. nodejs, npm, cnpm $ tar -zxvf node-v6.11.3-linux-x64.tar ...
Ubuntu 下使用HElib库实现全同态加解密 2016-04-24
Helib do not support installation on ubuntu itself. We have to change someting for this. We describe the approach in the following. I Enviroments ...
Ubuntu Server利用CUPS部署HP Laserjet打印机 2016-04-18
You will always encounter vairous of problems while deploying HP LaserJet printers on Ubuntu. Here is a detailed deployment approaches for such scena ...
Ubuntu下采用GVIM进行C++编码 2016-01-12
I Enviroments Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Vundle YouCompleteMe vimrc II Prerequisites 1. vim & vim-gtk $ sudo apt-get install vim $ sudo ...
Yael库在Ubuntu的部署 2016-01-12
I Enviroments Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Yael v438 II Prerequisites 1. gfortran $ sudo apt-get install gfortran 2. Blas and Lapack. $ sudo a ...


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