
唐李洋 2010-4-20 10:27
1. 面向行的数据库(row-oriented) 按行存储,把一条记录的所有属性(列)存储在一起。-- value-based storage structure 传统关系数据库的典型应用场合是OLTP(On-Line Transaction Processing )领域,这些领域以事务处理为主,包括数据的增加、删除、修改、查询。 2. 面向列的数据库 (column-oriented) 典型 ...
个人分类: database|9657 次阅读|1 个评论
NoSQL thoughts
唐李洋 2010-4-1 15:42
Refer to : http://stackoverflow.com Databases that do not fall into a neat grid. You don't have to specify which things are integers and strings and booleans, etc. These types of databases are more flexible, but they don't use SQL, because they are not structured that way. The advantage of usi ...
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