氢分子医学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/孙学军 对氢气生物学效应感兴趣者。可合作研究:sunxjk@hotmail.com 微信 hydrogen_thinker



已有 6321 次阅读 2009-2-10 12:58 |个人分类:呼吸氢气|系统分类:科研笔记| 论文, 氢气, 氢分子医学

日本的论文发表后, 肯定引起了这个实验室的关注.他们课题组有日本人, 也许是通过这个途径.他们发表了1篇论文是关于移植的. 这个实验室过去一直是用呼吸一氧化碳研究其抗氧化的.看到氢的研究,很容易开展这样的工作可以理解.另外我看到两篇会议摘要也来自该实验室. 一个是关于心脏移植,一个是关于小肠缺血再灌的. 有实力的实验室可以跟踪他们的研究. 特别是他们采用呼吸的方法. 我们可以采用氢水更没有问题.

美国匹斯堡大学移植中心证明,呼吸2%的氢可治疗小肠移植引起的炎症损伤(Buchholz et al. 2008),据说这个小组的人来中国重庆做过这个方面的报告,可惜不了解具体内容.这个文章很不错, 尽管思路没有什么新奇, 很容易想到.


Hydrogen Inhalation Ameliorates Oxidative Stress in
Transplantation Induced Intestinal Graft Injury


Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury during small intestinal transplantation (SITx) frequently causes complications including dysmotility, inflammation and organ failure. Recent evidence indicates hydrogen inhalation eliminates toxic hydroxyl radicals. Syngeneic, orthotopic SITx was performed in Lewis rats with 3 h of cold ischemic time. Both donor and recipient received perioperative air or 2% hydrogen inhalation. SITx caused a delay in gastrointestinal transit and decreased jejunal circular muscle contractile activity 24 h after surgery. Hydrogen treatment resulted in significantly improved gastrointestinal transit, as well as jejunal smooth muscle contractility in response to bethanechol. The transplant induced upregulation in the inflammatory mediators CCL2, IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α were mitigated by hydrogen. Hydrogen significantly diminished lipid peroxidation compared to elevated tissue malondialdehyde levels in air-treated grafts demonstrating an antioxidant effect. Histopathological mucosal erosion and increased gut permeability indicated a breakdown in posttransplant mucosal barrier function which was significantly attenuated by hydrogen treatment. In recipient lung, hydrogen treatment also resulted in a significant abatement in inflammatory mRNA induction and reduced neutrophil recruitment. Hydrogen inhalation significantly ameliorates intestinal transplant injury and prevents remote organ inflammation via its antioxidant effects. Administration of perioperative hydrogen gas may be a potent and clinically applicable therapeutic strategy for intestinal I/R injury.


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