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已有 8245 次阅读 2012-7-5 10:02 |个人分类:粉末衍射晶体结构分析|系统分类:博客资讯| 联合国, 2014年, 国际晶体学年

       今天收到国际晶体学联合会主席Gautam R. Desiraju发来的邮件,得知联合国宣布2014年为国际晶体学年的消息。Gautam R. Desiraju指出:












Dear fellow crystallographer,

This is to communicate the excellent news that the United Nations has declared that 2014 will be the official International Year of Crystallography.

The initiative had been proposed by the International Union of Crystallography and spearheaded by the Moroccan Crystallographic Association.They have worked closely with the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco in the United Nations along with helpful support from a number of delegations to the United Nations from other countries. The IUCr thanks the Moroccan authorities for the help and cooperation extended to us in bringing this proposal to fruition.

The declaration of IYCr 2014 provides all of us with a wonderful opportunity to sustain and renew our commitment to this outstanding subject. It has brought us together, whether we consider ourselves as crystallographers, or as physicists, chemists, biologists and materials scientists who work extensively with crystallography and its related techniques.

Ours is a very old subject, which shifted its emphasis from a study of crystals to a study of structures over a hundred years ago. Today, the subject is poised towards a study of dynamics and properties. All healthy scientific endeavour can recreate and reinvent: crystallography is a meaningful example of this.

I would like each and every one of you to use this opportunity to stimulate and ignite an interest in crystallography amongst students, scientists and the general public.

The declaration of IYCr 2014 by the United Nations is the finest endorsement for a subject that has weathered time and tide and continues to thrive. It signifies that crystallography has continuing cultural relevance and, in the end, this is the only justification for carrying out science in this rapidly changing world with its political and social flux and constant economic variables.

I will write about IYCr 2014 in more detail in the IUCr Newsletter but, in the meantime, I would ask all of you to participate in this happy occasion.

Gautam R. Desiraju
President, International Union of Crystallography



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