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热度 2 2011-11-14 20:45
昨天有个学生忽然问我英文中同义词的辨析,举例子想弄清楚startle, stun, amaze这三个同样都可以表示使惊讶,使惊异,受惊意思的词。想想这三个词常见,常用,个人感觉尽管都可以表示“惊”这个意思,但在语境和用法上似乎有所差别,但要真说出个所以然来,还真不是很确定。本想让学生请教专业英语老 ...
个人分类: 外语日日积|6337 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 2
Try to grasp several new words daily
2010-12-23 20:47
empathy means thinkingand considering problems from other people's point of view. 中文中常说的换位思维、将心比心 You never really understand a person until you think from his point of view, until you climb inside of the skin and walk around it. tunnel view ...
个人分类: 外语日日积|3565 次阅读|没有评论
Tips for English learning
2010-12-23 09:20
English trainning course for youngster teachers ends in this week. Through the trainning, I benefit much but still feel my English is far from satisfying. English improvement is a time consuming process instead of a single leap to reach the goal. At the end of our course, our English traine ...
个人分类: 外语日日积|4125 次阅读|1 个评论

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