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置顶 · 含氯挥发性有机物CVOCs催化燃烧工业化催化剂热稳定性数据公开
2024-3-8 09:52
对于实用的工业化VOCs催化剂,除了活性之外,热稳定性是该催化剂能否具有可应用性的重要指标。 EaCAT的工业化CVOCs催化剂耐高温性能数据如下(二氯甲烷为CVOCs的模拟物,高稳定性、工业应用范围广),供大家参考和交流。
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置顶 · EaCat壹埃催化剂:专注于环境催化材料的开发与应用
2024-2-16 09:48
www.EaCat.com.cn EaCat壹埃催化剂:专注于环境催化材料的 开发 与 应用 主要涉足: 广谱VOCs催化燃烧催化剂(VOCs) CVOCs催化燃烧催化剂(CVOCs) 甲烷催化燃烧催化剂(MCC) 零级空气催化剂(0Air) 非甲烷总烃催化剂(0Methane) 加氢脱氧催化剂(HDO) 碳烃脱氧催化剂(CHDO) 臭氧分解催化剂(OZ) N2O分解催化 ...
个人分类: 催化中国原创|1590 次阅读|1 个评论
【人物访谈】理论、计算化学——Odile Eisenstein 访谈
2007-10-17 21:52
Interview: A calculated approach Odile Eisenstein tells Nicola Nugent about the power of computers in chemistry Odile Eisens ...
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New Material Removes Pollutants From Air【旧闻回顾】
2007-10-17 12:02
New Material Removes Pollutants From Air Science Daily In addition to nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides, many volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air contribute to smog and high ozone levels, as well as potentially damaging human health. Clean-air laws are thus ...
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Chemists Strike Gold With New Gold Catalysts【旧闻回顾】
2007-10-17 11:48
Chemists Strike Gold With New Gold Catalysts Science Daily Few people look beyond gold's glitter and rarity, but chemists have found that its chemical properties are just as interesting, making it a unique catalyst for producing unusual organic molecules. UC Berkeley's Dea ...
个人分类: 催化科技导读|5617 次阅读|没有评论
2007-10-17 08:16
绿色化学简介 绿色化学,又称环境无害化学、环境友好化学,是利用化学原理从源头上减少或消除化学品在生产和使用过程中对环境污染的化学 。 绿色化学 随着对化学与环境、资源的关系不断反思和总结,他们提出了 绿色化学 &rdqu ...
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Chemists Create The First Of A New Class Of Catalysts To Handle Big Molecules(旧闻
2007-10-16 16:06
Chemists Create The First Of A New Class Of Catalysts To Handle Big Molecules Science Daily Chemistry may not grab the kind of headlines that computers do, but it's what makes modern life happen, from gasoline to plastics to the material of computer chips. Chemic ...
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2007-10-16 09:20
Catalyst problems dissolve away 15 October 2007 UK scientists have come up with a method that for the first time enables medium-chain aldehydes to be synthesised in a continuous-flow process using a homogeneous catalyst. Homogeneous catalysts have always been dif ...
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2007-10-15 21:52
据报道,美国能源部的太平洋西北国家实验室(PNNL)、德州大学、华盛顿州立大学的科学家们共同研究,制成了一个金属氧化物催化剂的新典型体系。   这个体系中,三氧化钨循环的团簇分子挨分子地在二氧化钛基底上排列着。每个团簇都有一个钨原子略为突起,提供催化反应的作用。这个发现,为在把碳氢化合物转化为燃 ...
个人分类: 催化科技导读|5122 次阅读|1 个评论
2007-10-15 21:26
New Membrane Strips Carbon Dioxide From Natural Gas Faster And Better Science Daily A modified plastic material greatly improves the ability to separate global warming-linked carbon dioxide from natural gas as the gas is prepared for use, according to engineers ...
个人分类: 催化科技导读|5749 次阅读|没有评论
2007-10-15 17:41
金属所成功制备铁颗粒周期性填充竹节状氮化硼纳米管 铁颗 ...
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