[Oxford-ECUST] 催化醉尘分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/tony2010 Oxon, Sinopec and ECUST: weiyibiao.tong@gmail.com


高地的英雄城传说-苏格兰游记from 12 to 15 July 2010
2010-7-17 22:18
约克郡附近的高速休息 黄昏初抵爱丁堡 supper后徜徉于爱丁堡街头 次日,爱丁堡城堡 爱丁堡的街头 贝尔威士忌之乡小憩 黄昏的Aviermore 渐进Loch Ness 原味Highland Stirling苏 ...
个人分类: 英伦点滴|6948 次阅读|2 个评论
All for Micro and Meso Porous Materials-孔材料的综述
热度 3 2010-1-20 07:41
??I was never afraid to go out of my area to learn new stuff, even as an undergraduate. ??I would like to be able to create therapeutics that could be administered without affecting the day-to-day lives of patients, ones so safe that they could be given prophylactically. ...
个人分类: 催化风云|22939 次阅读|10 个评论 热度 3
Oxford Wonderful Snow-UK 2010 [80 Pics]
2010-1-19 01:40
Content Part 1. Quiet and Excited Snow Night Part 2. Morning the Way to My Reseach Lab along the Chawell River Part 3. Searching Food in The Snow Oxford ( Christ Chur ...
个人分类: 英伦点滴|7752 次阅读|6 个评论

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