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已有 5430 次阅读 2015-2-24 11:20 |个人分类:地学探讨|系统分类:观点评述| kobergens, “科伯”构造?

博友高敏老师给我留言,问“科伯构造”是什么,我不知道,第一次回答时还以为问的是天文学中的“Kuiper Belt”呢。高老师回信说是构造地质学用语,遗憾的是我确实没记住有这样一个词汇。


Smoot, N.Christian; Choi, Dong R.; Meyerhoff, Arthur Augustus; Bhat, Mohammad I.; Morris, A. E.L.; Agocs, W. B.; Kamen-Kaye, M.; Taner, I. (1996). Surgetectonics: a new hypothesis of global geodynamics. Solid-State Science andTechnology Library.

Springer Netherlands. p. 348. ISBN 978-0-7923-4156-7.

我认为,这个词汇是上世纪九十年代《涌流构造》(Surge tectonics)中强调的一种构造,但最终没能在学术界流行。在讨论中国大地构造问题时我自己还是倾向于使用通俗易懂的词汇而避免生冷用语,免得造成误解。



Kobergenbilaterally deformed foldbelt produced by surgechannel tectogenesis. Tectogenesis generates compression, tension, and shear at the same timewithin the tectonic belt or at different times in any one part of the belt.Folds, thrusts, and nappes lie along the flanks, the flanks being mirror images of each other. Thebelts can be hundreds to thousands of kilometers long. They have been variouslyknown as biliminalfoldbelts, bisymmetrical foldbelts, bivergentfoldbelts, bivergentorogens, bivergent structural fans, divergent thrustbelts, fan structures, wedges, and many others. Kobergens form an evolutionary sequence fromcontinents-ocean margin where part of the lithosphere is relatively thin

tocontinent-interior kobergens where the lithosphere is relatively thick, or alpinotype or germanotypekobergens.

Germnotypekobergens form when the lighosphere is 20--35.km thick.

They include activelyrising mountain chains, plateaus, and intracratonic basins. Alpinotypekobergens form where the lighosphere in thinner at10.km thick. Alpinotypekobergens as a rule are associated with the continent-ocean interfacewhose geomorphic expression is midocean ridges, aseismic submarine ridges, oceanic rises, linear island and seamountchains, eugeosynclines and active volcanic arcs, foldbelts, and long-linear to curvilinearvalleys

such as fracture zones. Essentially, bivergenttectogenesis is a principal identifyingcharacteristic of a deformed surge channel, so kobergens are one of the most importantstructures of the surge tectonic concepts.



Surge Tectonic Hypothesis.pptx


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