读博有益分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/davidzsguo gone with the wind


2008-9-5 13:28
这几天在为journal of applied polymer science 审稿,遇到了这样一篇文章,让自己比较为难。文章有一定的新意,作者也做了一些工作。和作者以前的已发表在该期刊上的文章进行比较,发现有很多描述完全重复,特别是引言部分,只有一段是新的。实验描述、讨论与分析也有很多类似的现象,不知道这样的稿件是拒绝还是修改后可 ...
个人分类: 论文写作|4726 次阅读|3 个评论
How to Write a Highly Cited Paper
2008-3-4 10:19
I mean how to write good papers. Research Evaluation is one of hard tasks in scientific management. because it needs to judge about something that it is not in the field of manager experts. alwayse there was different factors to do such evaluations. number of papers published by a special scientis ...
个人分类: 论文写作|6235 次阅读|没有评论

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