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来自心怿的诗 (69)

已有 3055 次阅读 2011-1-13 01:40 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:诗词雅集














意念微微一滞? 我立刻明白问题的所在了。按说,意念进入原子内部,是不应该感到任何阻滞的。










However when I carefully observe, allowing the thought to survey the atomic level, I actually discover something is not right, as if many atoms already have had slightly change which nearly is unable to realize.



But what kind of change cannot be realized, it is only my subconscious thought feeling not somewhat right.


I enable my thought to become fine and visit these atomic internal structures. My thought only feels slightly as soon as stagnates, the thing hindrance is before entering the atomic interior.


Everything seems to be normal ah.


But, when I entered, I feel my thought somewhat out of sorts. It is impossible when my thought regulated in such fine state. 


The thought slightly as soon as stagnates? I understand the question immediately. Enters in the atom, I should not feel any hinders.


This is because the conscience is nothing but a performing of the spirit and the spirit is a highly generation function for self-organized collective motion of nonlinear excitations. The spirit understanding world are kind of response and measurement of the self-organized nonlinear excitations interacting with the world.


Because nonlinear self-organized excitations include a variety of elementary particles, electronics and photonics are also important component of the substance, which can have effect with any substance, so in principle, the spirit can enter any infinitesimal or infinite time and space, understanding and even changing the world.


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