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《甜甜花絮:第二期 2004.03.05》

已有 3398 次阅读 2010-3-20 03:52 |个人分类:成长花絮|系统分类:生活其它

Self Introduction


My name is Tanya Lee.
I go to North Forest Elementary. I am 7 years, 11 months and 10 days old.
I will soon have a greatest Birthday Party (I can’t wait!).
I am now in Grade Two.
I have tons of hobbies.
My favorite hobbies are Swimming, Figure Skating, Ballet, Piano, all kinds of computer games, — and, of course, telling jokes.
Here is a joke for you.

……………… 作者:李甜甜
我叫李甜甜。我在北部森林小学就读。我7岁11个月零10天。我生日快到了,将举行一个很大的生日派对(我都等不急了!) 。我现在在二年级。我有很多很多业余爱好。我最喜爱游泳、花样滑冰、芭蕾、钢琴, 各种各样的电脑游戏, — 哦, 当然, 我还爱讲笑话。给您讲一个笑话吧。


Eat Chocolate Movie?
A Joke for You

Last summer, me and my family went to New York City.
We visited American Museum of Natural History.
We were going to see an IMAX movie.
The man selling the tickets asked my dad,
“Are you going to see the ‘Chocolate’ movie?” My dad said, “no!” “Why not?” “I don’t want my teeth to be ruined!” “O, you are going to WATCH the movie,
you are not going to EAT the movie!”

去年夏天, 我和我家去纽约旅游。我们访问了美国自然历史博物馆。我们打算看IMAX巨屏电影。卖票的叔叔问我爸爸, “您要看名为’巧克力’的电影么?” 我的爸爸说, “不要!” “为什么不看?” “我不想坏我的牙!” “哦, 您是看电影, 您并不是吃电影呀!”


Surprise Comments

From time to time, Tanya surprises us by some spontaneous comments we never expected a kid to utter.
Recently, she saw a message in my computer screen “feel young” and commented promptly:
“It is good to feel young, but it is better to BE young.” I was amazed.

A couple of years ago, we went past a Jewelry Counter when Tanya made a comment: “This cultured pearl looks better than that freshwater pearl.” “My God”, the shop assistant could not believe this from a 5-year-old kid.


时不时, 甜甜会突然冒出一些惊人妙语。最近, 她看到我的计算机屏幕上一行字”感受年轻”。甜甜及时评论道: “感受年轻固然好, 但本身就年轻岂不更好。” 我惊异万分。 两三年前, 我们走过一个珠宝柜台,甜甜作出了如下评论: “这颗养珠比那颗淡水珠好很多。” “我的天”, 售货员不能相信此话出自一个5岁孩子之口。


My Dad (by Tanya in Grade 1)

I love my Dad.
My Dad likes to play with me.
We play Freddy Fish on the computer.
My Dad is the greatest.
My Dad gets me ice cream.
My Dad is fun!

My Family (by Tanya in Grade 1)
My family likes to go shopping.
I love my family.
We have fun playing on the computers.
My family is the best.






上一篇:《甜甜花絮:Practice Makes Perfect》
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