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已有 13085 次阅读 2012-9-21 21:21 |系统分类:科研笔记| 目录, error

make 时候出现下述错误,不知是什么地方没有设置好,懂的帮看看!
-ThinkPad-L421:~/lapack-3.4.1$ gedit Makefile
-ThinkPad-L421:~/lapack-3.4.1$ make
( cd INSTALL; make; ./testlsame; ./testslamch; ./testdlamch;
    ./testsecond; ./testdsecnd; ./testieee; ./testversion )
make[1]: 正在进入目录 `/home/guoxushi/lapack-3.4.1/INSTALL'
ifort -O3 -c second_INT_ETIME.f -o second_INT_ETIME.o
second_INT_ETIME.f(53): error #6407: This symbolic name is not an intrinsic function name or an intrinsic subroutine name.   [ETIME]
      INTRINSIC          ETIME
compilation aborted for second_INT_ETIME.f (code 1)
make[1]: *** [second_INT_ETIME.o] 错误 1
make[1]:正在离开目录 `/home/guoxushi/lapack-3.4.1/INSTALL'
  ASCII character set
  Tests completed
  Epsilon                      =   5.9604645E-08
  Safe minimum                 =   1.1754944E-38
  Base                         =    2.000000    
  Precision                    =   1.1920929E-07
  Number of digits in mantissa =    24.00000    
  Rounding mode                =    1.000000    
  Minimum exponent             =   -125.0000    
  Underflow threshold          =   1.1754944E-38
  Largest exponent             =    128.0000    
  Overflow threshold           =   3.4028235E+38
  Reciprocal of safe minimum   =   8.5070592E+37
  Epsilon                      =   1.110223024625157E-016
  Safe minimum                 =   2.225073858507201E-308
  Base                         =    2.00000000000000     
  Precision                    =   2.220446049250313E-016
  Number of digits in mantissa =    53.0000000000000     
  Rounding mode                =    1.00000000000000     
  Minimum exponent             =   -1021.00000000000     
  Underflow threshold          =   2.225073858507201E-308
  Largest exponent             =    1024.00000000000     
  Overflow threshold           =   1.797693134862316E+308
  Reciprocal of safe minimum   =   4.494232837155790E+307
/bin/sh: 2: ./testsecond: not found
/bin/sh: 2: ./testdsecnd: not found
/bin/sh: 2: ./testieee: not found
/bin/sh: 2: ./testversion: not found
make: *** [lapack_install] 错误 127


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