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[转载]《环境与健康展望》新任主编 Joel D. Kaufman 的述评

已有 2779 次阅读 2020-6-25 23:58 |个人分类:浮光掠影|系统分类:海外观察|文章来源:转载

《环境与健康展望》的未来瞻望                 Editorial

Published:CID: 031001https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP6977-zh

我非常高兴被委以重任,并以极大的热情接任《环境与健康展望》(Environmental Health PerspectivesEHP)新主编的职位。EHP 是一本优秀的期刊,作为美国国立环境健康科学研究所(National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,NIEHS)的出版物和该领域的领先学术期刊,EHP 有着丰富的历史和美好的未来。

我在期刊运作良好的状态下接过了 Sally Darney 博士(Darney 2020)的接力棒,主持 EHP 的工作。 EHP 拥有优秀的编辑团队,他们肩负着期刊的使命努力工作,我们还拥有一大批有奉献精神的副主编和审稿人这样的志愿者。

展望未来,我的目标是希望看到 EHP 发表该领域最高质量的科学论文,成为环境健康科学家争相发表他们最好的学术成果的期刊,并通过发表严谨的同行评审的原创研究、综述和评论激发读者的信任。EHP 在诚信、要求透明地报告研究方法和结果,以及发表重要和值得信赖的科学领域新发现等方面享有盛誉。

环境健康科学由多个学科组成, EHP 应致力于发表这些学科中最令人兴奋和最具活力的发现(Kaufman and Curl 2019Pettibone et al. 2018)。EHP 必须保持其在出版道德和注重尖端科学方面的杰出声誉。尤为重要的是,EHP 有责任发表不仅影响其他科学家,而且影响决策者和公共卫生界的科研成果。

EHP 在某些方面仍有改进的空间,我诚挚欢迎读者和潜在作者的宝贵意见。尤其值得指出的是,我听到许多投稿人建议 EHP 不仅需要改进同行评审完成的时效性,还需要缩短作者的论文从提交到发表的总时长。在我完成一段时间的实地调查,以及在程序和编辑流程上作一些调整后,我期望您能够在这两方面看到改善。我们将借鉴并采用同行科学期刊的最佳实践方法。

担任主编是一个极大的荣誉。EHP 所有前任主编都是 NIEHS 的全职雇员,而我的职位在编制上改变了这一传统的模式。这一变化反映出我们大多数同行期刊的发展趋势,我在掌舵 EHP 的同时,将会继续履行我研究者和学者的角色。我计划早期的工作重点主要放在改进同行评审的规范,并建立 EHP 与科学界之间的密切联系。

在接下来的几个月里,您可能会看到期刊的一些变化。我计划聘请几位副编辑(deputy editor),并重新确定副主编(Associate Editors)和编辑评审委员会(Editorial Review Board)的成员和职责。调整后的委员会将有更多机会参与期刊工作。我们将提高 EHP 投稿类型以及优先考虑的主题领域的透明度。我预计会增加一些新的文章类型。在未来的一年里,我们还将为资历较浅的环境健康领域的科学家们提供一系列的机会,使他们能积极地参与到期刊的工作中。


非常感谢 NIEHS 的领导层对我的信任,让我带领 EHP 走进新的篇章。我同时也得到他们充分的允诺,将继续为 EHP 提供强大的支持,并同时保持完全的编辑独立性(Birnbaum and Tilson 2009)。 EHP 为环境健康科学领域的科学家提供了一个特殊的平台。我希望您能和我一起思考如何将这本优秀的期刊办得更好。

Looking Ahead at Environmental Health Perspectives

I am excited to have been handed the editorial pen for Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP), and it is with enthusiasm that I take on the role as the journal’s new Editor-in-Chief. EHP is an exceptional journal. As a publication of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and a leading scholarly journal in the field, EHP has a rich history and a terrific future.

I assume leadership with the journal in sound condition, taking over from the able hands of Dr. Sally Darney (Darney 2020). EHP has an outstanding staff committed to the mission of the journal and a large number of dedicated volunteer associate editors and reviewers.

Moving forward, it is my goal to see this journal publish the highest quality scientific advances in the field, be the journal in which environmental health scientists strive to publish their best work, and inspire trust from readers by providing rigorously peer-reviewed original research, reviews, and commentaries. EHP has a well-earned reputation for integrity, for demanding transparent reporting of methods and findings, and for publishing important and trustworthy scientific advances.

The environmental health sciences comprise several contributing scientific disciplines, and EHP should work to publish the most exciting and dynamic findings from each of these disciplines (Kaufman and Curl 2019Pettibone et al. 2018). EHP must maintain its outstanding reputation for publication ethics and for highlighting cutting-edge science. Importantly, EHP has a responsibility to publish science that influences not only other scientists but also policy makers and the public health community.

There are several areas in which the journal has room for improvement, and I welcome input on these from readers and potential authors. In particular, I have heard from many contributors that the journal needs to not only improve the timeliness of completing peer review but also reduce the overall time and burden on authors from submission to publication of accepted papers. After I complete a brief period of fact finding and implementing some changes in procedures and editorial workflow, I anticipate that you will perceive improvement in both of these areas. The journal will learn from and adopt the best practices of our peer scientific journals.

Assuming the role of Editor-in-Chief is a tremendous honor. While prior editors of the journal have been full-time employees of the NIEHS, my tenure in this role marks a departure from that tradition. In a change that will mirror most of our peer journals, I will continue my role as an investigator and academic while providing leadership to the journal. I anticipate that my principal early focus will be on adjusting peer review practices and providing a liaison between the journal and the scientific community.

Over the next few months, you can expect to hear about several changes in the journal. I plan to appoint a small number of deputy editors at the journal and rework the membership and responsibilities of both the Board of Associate Editors and the Editorial Review Board. The revamped boards will have more opportunities for involvement in the journal. We will increase the transparency regarding the types of contributions and topic areas that are priorities for EHP. I anticipate there will be some new article types. Over the next year, we will also be rolling out a series of opportunities for early career environmental health scientists to become actively engaged in the life of the journal.

As I step into this role, I want to make clear that I welcome your input not only on areas of improvement for the journal’s operations but also on the editorial content of the journal. I will be attending several scholarly meetings in the key environmental health scientific disciplines, listening to your thoughts about the journal, and seeking out the most exciting science.

I appreciate the confidence that the leadership of the NIEHS has placed in me for the next chapter of EHP. I have also received full assurance that the journal will retain the strong support of the institute leadership while maintaining full editorial independence (Birnbaum and Tilson 2009). EHP holds a special place for scientists in the disciplines that comprise the environmental health sciences. I hope you will join me in thinking about how to make this outstanding journal even better.


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