

[转载]News from Science-237
2024-4-20 20:58
Weekly Headlines (excerpts) 1. Africa intensifies battle against mpox as ‘alarming’ outbreaks continue New variant identified in Congolese mining town renews worries about global spread BYJON COHEN19 APR 2024 2. Where di ...
935 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 2024-4-18 11:53
《双生花》的神奇 最近看到重庆卫视《谢谢你来了》中的一期节目《双生花》,非常令人不可思议。 山东省有一户人家因家境贫穷,把生下的双胞胎姐妹分别送人了。当姐姐知道了自己的身世后,历经十年寻找她的双胞胎妹妹。当她找到妹妹之后初次见面时,发现两人虽然天各一方不曾相见,却极为相似:长相极为相似,衣 ...
1692 次阅读|8 个评论 热度 1
[转载]News from Science-236
2024-4-13 11:07
Weekly Headlines (excerpts) 1. Brightest gamma ray burst of all time emerged from collapsing star JWST spies an expected supernova but a puzzling lack of heavy elements BYDANIEL CLERY12 APR 2024 2. As the lakes that flamingos inha ...
1278 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]News from Science-235
2024-4-6 18:29
Weekly Headlines (excerpts) 1 . NSF tests ways to improve research security without disrupting peer review Pilot follows recommendation to review each project rather than restricting topics BYJEFFREY MERVIS5 APR 2024 2. Austr ...
1503 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]News from Science-234
2024-3-30 11:49
Weekly Headlines (excerpts) 1. Laser mapping spots ant colonies in dense forest Approach could help scientists spot invasive species cheaply and quickly BYKATHERINE IRVING29 MAR 2024 2. Grinning robots, hyena hierarchies, and mo ...
1326 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]News from Science-233
2024-3-23 22:39
Weekly Headlines (excerpts) 1. Horse remains found near Buckingham Palace reveal birthplace of jousting steeds Chemical traces in animals’ teeth suggest some came from hundreds of kilometers away BYANDREW CURRY22 MAR 2024 2. Ancient br ...
1333 次阅读|没有评论
热度 3 2024-3-20 11:11
《无题》 东风万里白云飘 田园春光无限好 山野葱绿风韵美 凭栏远眺如梦瑶 ————————————————————————————————— 摄于奥地利维也纳
1630 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 3
2024-3-18 10:54
《周处除三害》影评 台湾电影《周处除三害》源于《晋书•周处传》和《世说新语》等民间故事的几个版本,基本大意相同,传说周处横行乡里,乡人们将周处与山中猛虎及水中蛟龙合称为当地三害。后来,周处在乡人的激发下除去 猛虎 和 蛟龙,而自身也在幡然醒悟之余转身成为除恶行善者以自除其害,乡亲们称之为 ...
1821 次阅读|没有评论
[转载]News from Science-232
2024-3-16 18:58
Weekly Headlines (excerpts) 1. A treaty to prepare the world for the next pandemic hangs in the balance The WHO Pandemic Agreement hopes to improve global equity and avoid mistakes made during COVID-19 BYJON COHEN 15 MAR 2024 2. ...
1101 次阅读|没有评论
2024-3-10 09:50
全国政协委员倪闽景在接受记者采访时说: 一、拔尖创新人才有三个共同的特质 据央视新闻报道, 3 月 10 日上午,全国政协十四届二次会议第三场“委员通道”在人民大会堂举行,全国政协委员、上海科技馆馆长倪闽景接受采访时介绍,拔尖创新人才有三个共同的特质,第一很自主, ...
970 次阅读|没有评论

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