


已有 3157 次阅读 2018-4-2 15:56 |系统分类:科研笔记




Registered Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Canada)

Registered Acupuncturist (Canada)

ND Candidate (Canada)

MD (Canadian Equivalence by WES)



It is an urgent task to re-interpret the key concepts used in medical systems based on natural philosophy. “Re-interpret” means using the modern language and context to describe them. After re-interpretation, we need to develop the unified theory to guide all kinds of medical practices. Medicine is medicine, it should be the ONE serving the whole mankind. The modern language for medicine is the combination of biophysics, biochemistry and biomed. Using the language, I will re-interpret the following key concepts:

  1. Vis Medicatrix Naturae: The Healing Power of Nature:

According to the second law of thermodynamics, any process will tend to increase the amount of entropy(chaos) in the universe. “…a system naturally tends to go from a state of higher energy and order to one of lower energy and disorder. The same occurs in living systems whose internal entropy tends to increase in its journey through life, going from health, energy and physiological order towards sickness, asthenia and physiological disorder.” (Rangel, 2005) Based on this law, the healing power of nature has a limit. No matter how strong the healing power of nature is, it needs to follow the law of the universe, i.e. the life (the highly organized unity) will disperse to the universe and be back to the basic matter, waiting for a specific condition under which the basic matter can be organized to a life again. If we want this natural process to be slower (living a longer and healthier life), we need to give the life system negative entropy. Negative entropy is the order. Healthy food, proper exercise, enough rest, meditation, praying…are all good methods for giving more order to life. That is why we say a balanced life style is the first step to help the healing power of nature. Meanwhile, the modification in gene expression, the metabolic correction, the physiologic modulation, and the trillions of biochemical regulations are happening right now in our body. All medical systems based on natural philosophy focus on improving the healing power of nature, that is, increasing the negative entropy of the life system and helping in the regulatory procedures of biophysics and biochemistry.

  2. Vital Force/Vitalism:

“Many years ago, based on considering the influence of electric field on cell reproduction, Bentall had an inspired insight, leading him to conclude that ‘life is a harmonic’. Remarkably, quantized fluctuation fields describing the life force are like harmonics of ordinary quantum fields.” (Hankey, 2005) Vitalism (in homeopathy, it is called life force; in TCM, it is called .) is the concept used to differentiate life and non-life. The synthesis of urea in the early 19th century from inorganic compounds was counterevidence for the vitalism hypothesis that only organisms could make the components of living things. Further, computer can “think”, robot can move, talk and do housework. Does vitalism exist? Yes, it does, albeit it is not magic, not consciousness, not supernatural; it is natural, it is science, it is the change of energy, the probability of existence, the particle-wave duality, the quantum. If we study into the biochemical pathways, we can understand clearly how the change of energy make the living system functioning. We can take that as a macroscopic understanding of how the vitalism exists in life. Quantum theory can furtherly bring us to a deeper level realization of the complexity of the living system. Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) showed that it is impossible to take any measurement of an object without disturbing the object. The Heisengberg uncertainty principle states that it is fundamentally impossible to know precisely both the velocity and position of a particle at the same time. The difficulty is right here for both vitalism and materialism. Actually, both orthodox medicine and CAM know that we need to make the whole living system functioning, but how? It is all about the CHANGE. What we can only do is to try our best to catch the change. Approximation is what we can get for both vitalism and materialism. Nevertheless, vitalism (i.e. the energy change and the quantum) should be highly emphasized in the new medical paradigm and it will make the medical practice more efficient.  

   3. Therapeutic Order: The Hierarchy of      Healing:

Based on the above analysis, vitalism and materialism need to merge. In the new medical paradigm, the therapeutic order should be as follows: 1. Establish the conditions for health. First, identify and remove disturbing factors; Second, institute a more healthful regimen. 2. Stimulate the healing power of nature: the self-healing processes. 3. Address weakened or damaged systems or organs. Mainly, we need to strengthen the immune system, decrease toxicity, optimize metabolic function, and balance regulatory systems. 4. Correct structural integrity. 5. Address pathology by using specific natural substances, modalities, or interventions. 6. Address pathology by using specific pharmacologic or synthetic substances. 7. Suppress or surgically remove pathology. (From Zeff J Snyder P. Course syllabus: NM51 71, Naturopathic clinical theory. Seattle: Bastyr University, 1997-2005.) The suggested therapeutic order emphasizes physiological function more than pathological conditions. Also, it indicates that natural modalities should be used first and as much as possible. The patient is the center of treatment, not the disease. Personalized strategy is applied. The therapeutic order for each patient can be different according to each patient’s root cause of disease. “Physiologic modulation induces functional changes accomplished by the use of nutrition and botanicals that support defence and repair mechanisms to achieve homeostasis. The combined use of metabolic correction and physiological modulation principles may reduce the requirement of medications and their adverse effects, while improving treatment outcomes.” (Gonzalez MJ, etc. 2018)

            To sum it up, the key concepts used in natural philosophy medical systems can be re-interpreted by modern scientific language, and the unified medical theory can be constructed by combining vitalism and materialism, also by integrating function and structure.



  1. Jose A. Olalde Rangel. The Systemic Theory of Living      Systems and Relevance to CAM. eCAM 2005;2(1)13-18

  2. Alex Hankey. CAM Modalities Can Stimulate      Advances in Theoretical Biology. eCAM 2005;2(1) 5-12

  3. Gonzalez MJ, etc. Metabolic Correction and Physiologic      Modulation as the Unifying Theory of the Healthy State: The      Orthomolecular, Systemic and Functional Approach to Physiologic      Optimization, J Orthomol Med 33(1), 2018


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