超球面模型(MDSM)的探索与应用分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/TUGJAYZHAB 用多元向量表示系统状态,多元向量乘法群描述系统的运动,白-杰时间链连接历史和现实: Y(i,k+1)=[Y(i,k)*T(i,k)+D(i,k+1)]/2。


2019-9-2 14:31
郁闷哪。我运作了一段时间,终于得以“ MDSM 科研基金”的名义在 FIDELIRY 开户。原来准备在 FIDELITY 开户后,一方面做科研推广,一方面交易基金,盈利,付房贷,一方面开始募捐,同志、朋友、亲属捐款享受免税,一箭三雕。 但,代我申请“非盈利”许可的经办人告诉我,如果我申请“公益性非营利基金”,则不能 ...
个人分类: CLUB|3163 次阅读|没有评论
An Application of System Kinematics on a Stock Market
2018-1-15 08:42
An Application of System Kinematics on a Stock Market Definition of 30 -market: Thirty stocks were chosen from Fidelity, and these thirty stocks in a given order make up the 30 -market . Definition of 30 -vectors: The thirty prices of these thirty stocks expresses the state of th ...
个人分类: CLUB|2253 次阅读|没有评论
2018-1-14 12:31
IRA 12/29/2017 % 1/13/2018 SGI 754.2765621 5.22% 793.6847828 PRICES ARI A SHARES -1.32% PRICES A VALUES M SHARE M VALUES TOTAL $ 14,274.00 3.68% $ ...
个人分类: CLUB|2148 次阅读|1 个评论
Weekly Report 01A
2018-1-6 10:09
This is the weekly report for MDSM Test A. From 1229 to 0105, the ShangGaoIndex , SGI, increased 2.53%, while Average Random Investment, ARI increased 2.19%, MDSM investment leading ARI 0.41%. It is a pretty good starting for the new year. TABLE ONE ...
个人分类: CLUB|2105 次阅读|没有评论
Weekly Report 01B
2018-1-6 08:39
This is the first weekly report. It looks better than I have expected. For the first week, ShangGaoIndex, SGI increased 2.53%, and Average Random Investment, ARI, increased 2.19%, MDSM is lower than the ARI -0.98%. TABLE ONE 12/29/2017 % 1/5/2 ...
个人分类: CLUB|2006 次阅读|没有评论
Weekly report 00B, starting for 2018
2018-1-2 02:27
Recall: This will be the starting point for second test for the new year of 2018, Using the 30-DIA, but to overcome the DIA. Column ABCD are the starting point on 12/29/2017; while the Column FGHI are the ending point of given day, as today. But, column E is the ratio between the s ...
个人分类: CLUB|1728 次阅读|没有评论
2017-12-31 09:46
Watching list AAPL $169.23 down ($1.85) -1.08% 12/29/2017 04:15PM AXP $99.31 down ($0.39) -0.39% 12/29/2017 04:00PM BA $294.91 down ($1.44) -0.49% 12/29/2017 04:00PM CAT $157.58 down ($0.84) -0.53 ...
个人分类: CLUB|2069 次阅读|没有评论
New Look of My Page
2017-12-21 08:04
Here is MYPAGE (updated Dec 20 data): Worksheet was done weeks ago. But the data transition from the Mutual Funds Market to the Stock Market took longer time than I have expected. As the last day that I boght mutual fund was Nov 16. From Nov 26 to Dec 20, the SGI decreased about -2.85%, and the M ...
个人分类: CLUB|2153 次阅读|2 个评论
Designing My Page
2017-11-30 12:11
Designing My Page My page made of two tables. Table One: Row 1, two cells: Starting time and today time, (=now()) Row 2, column names: starting Prices, Average Random Investment (ARI), A-Shares, MDSM Investment; ending prices, A values, M shares, M values. Row 3: ShangGaoIndex, B3= (SQRT(SUM ...
个人分类: CLUB|2242 次阅读|1 个评论
How to design Page of COSINE
2017-11-28 13:25
Working on COSINE PAGE Create the page of cosine, name it COSINE A1: DATE, E1:GZ1=DATA!E1:GZ1 A2: SGI, E2:GZ2 =DATA!E2:GZ2 GZ3=DATA!GZ3/GZ$2, Decimal 4 Copy and paste to COSINE!A3:GZ32 NEXT COSINE GRAPHICS COSINE!$GA$3:$GZ$3,TITLE COSINE!$A$3 Then change $3 to $4, $5,… ti ...
个人分类: CLUB|1813 次阅读|1 个评论

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