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Nature Communications:小麦条锈病抗性基因YrU1的克隆与验证
2020-3-23 10:17
An ankyrin-repeat and WRKY-domain-containing immune receptor confers stripe rust resistance in wheat First author: Huan Wang ; Affiliations: Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University(福建农林大学) : Fuzhou, China Corresponding author: Dingzhong ...
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New Phytologist:CO2对于林木响应高温干旱胁迫环境的影响
2020-3-22 09:55
Hot drought reduces the effects of elevated CO 2 on tree water‐use efficiency and carbon metabolism First author: Benjamin Birami ; Affiliations: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology(卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院) : Garmisch‐Partenkirchen, Germany Corre ...
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Plant Cell:拟南芥磷脂翻转酶ALA3作用于生长素转运蛋白PIN的转运和极性
2020-3-21 12:32
Arabidopsis Flippases Cooperate with ARF GTPase Exchange Factors to Regulate the Trafficking and Polarity of PIN Auxin Transporters First author: Xixi Zhang ; Affiliations: Institute of Science and Technology Austria(奥地利科学技术研究院) : Klosterneubur ...
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Nature Plants:三个角苔属植物高质量参考基因组
2020-3-20 08:18
Anthoceros genomes illuminate the origin of land plants and the unique biology of hornworts First author: Fay-Wei Li ; Affiliations: Boyce Thompson Institute(Boyce Thompson 研究所 ) : Ithaca, USA Corresponding author: Péter Szöv ...
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Cell Reports:植物花瓣上锥形细胞形态建成的关键调控机制
2020-3-19 08:50
Auxin Signaling-Mediated Apoplastic pH Modification Functions in Petal Conical Cell Shaping First author: Xie Dang ; Affiliations: Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University(福建农林大学) : Fuzhou, China Corresponding author: Deshu Lin ...
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2020-3-18 08:27
COST1 regulates autophagy to control plant drought tolerance First author: Yan Bao ; Affiliations: Iowa State University(爱荷华州立大学) : Ames, USA Corresponding author: Diane C. Bassham Plants balance their competing requirements for gr ...
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Current Biology:拟南芥PIN-LIKES介导的BR-Auxin交联调控植物生长
2020-3-17 08:20
PIN-LIKES Coordinate Brassinosteroid Signaling with Nuclear Auxin Input in Arabidopsis thaliana First author: Lin Sun ; Affiliations: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences(自然资源与生命科学大学) : Vienna, Austria Corresponding auth ...
个人分类: 每日摘要|2012 次阅读|没有评论
EMBO J:拟南芥中植物特异性SWR1染色质重塑复合体全部组分鉴定
2020-3-16 11:32
A plant‐specific SWR1 chromatin‐remodeling complex couples histone H2A.Z deposition with nucleosome sliding First author: Yu‐Xi Luo ; Affiliations: National Institute of Biological Sciences(北京生命科学研究所) : Beijing, China Corresponding author:&nb ...
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Cell Research:植物克服重力,对水分展开“疯狂”追求模式(奥地利科学技术研究院)
2020-3-15 09:02
Defying gravity: a plant’s quest for moisture First author: Scott A. Sinclair ; Affiliations: Institute of Science and Technology Austria(奥地利科学技术研究院) : Klosterneuburg, Austria Corresponding author: Jiří Friml 兰州大学 ...
个人分类: 提纲挈领|4499 次阅读|没有评论
Genome Biology:芒果基因组
2020-3-14 09:34
The genome evolution and domestication of tropical fruit mango First author: Peng Wang ; Affiliations: Tropical Crops Genetic Resources Institute, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences(中国热带农业科学院热带作物遗传资源研究所) : Hainan, China ...
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