
New Phytologist:玉米叶近端(叶鞘)-远端(叶片)边界形成的转录预模式
郝兆东 2021-1-24 12:14
Network analyses identify a transcriptomic proximodistal prepattern in the maize leaf primordium ...
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Plant Biotechnology Journal:高分辨率时空转录组揭示甜橙果实发育和成熟过程中的转录调控网络
郝兆东 2021-1-23 14:28
High‐Spatiotemporal‐Resolution Transcriptomes Provide Insights into Fruit Development and Ripening in Citrus sinensis ...
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New Phytologist:水稻LF1调控侧生器官极性发育
郝兆东 2021-1-22 09:14
LF1 regulates the lateral organs polarity development in rice 第一作者 : ...
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Current Biology:一年生山靛雌雄异株群体在去除雄株后,向雌雄同株系统快速演化
郝兆东 2021-1-21 14:11
The rapid dissolution of dioecy by experimental evolution ...
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Nature Communications:小蛇根草(药用植物,产喜树碱)基因组
郝兆东 2021-1-20 11:43
Chromosome-level genome assembly of Ophiorrhiza pumila reveals the evolution of camptothecin biosynthesis ...
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Current Biology:玉米穗的单细胞转录组研究
郝兆东 2021-1-19 09:41
Single-cell RNA sequencing of developing maize ears facilitates functional analysis and trait candidate gene discovery ...
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the plant journal:阿拉伯岩芥基因组注释更新
郝兆东 2021-1-18 16:35
Aethionema arabicum genome annotation using PacBio full‐length transcripts provides a valuable resource for seed dormancy and Brassicaceae evolution research ...
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Nature Plants:种间嫁接揭示小RNA从地上到地下组织的单向移动
郝兆东 2021-1-17 13:15
Unidirectional movement of small RNAs from shoots to roots in interspecific heterografts ...
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郝兆东 2021-1-16 10:36
Controlled hydroxylations of diterpenoids allow for plant chemical defense without autotoxicity 第一作 ...
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郝兆东 2021-1-15 17:48
Plant roots sense soil compaction through restricted ethylene diffusion ...
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