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Describe quantum mechanics in Dual 4 d complex space-time ..

已有 3428 次阅读 2015-1-19 16:10 |个人分类:物理|系统分类:科研笔记

3. Geometry of a micro-object3.1 Micro-object is like a rolling field-matter-ball

(1) For static state, ˂

            Curvature Radius: R0ħ/m0c                  (1)

which represents the field extension in a micro-object.

           Curvature:  K0m0c/ħ                  (2)

which represents the camber of micro-objects surface.

(2) For kinetic state,

        Curvature Radius: R1ħ/mc                    (3)

          0 ˂ R1ħ/mcR0                      (4)

(3) Curvature:  K1mc/ħ                           (5)

where m is the kinetic mass. And the faster the object is moving, the larger the kinetic mass is, the smaller the Radius is and the larger the Curvature is9. It is easy to know:

           K0k=mc/ħ˂                       (6)

(4) For mapping in three-dimension phenomenon space:              

        Radius:      Riħ/mvi                          (7)  

        where   0 ˂ Riħ/mvi    .

        Curvature:  ki=mvi                          (8)

Where pi=mvi  is relativistic momentum and 0ki˂ . It can be deserved in 3-dimension phenomenon space. So micro-objects image (Curvature Radius) can be very large or very small in three-dimension phenomenon space (this is the observable space)9. But it is not equal to its spatial structure.


(5) For rotational frequency,

 v0=E0/h v1=E1/h (vi=Ei/h) ,        (9)

Where E0=m0c2 ,E=mc2 ,and Ei=m0vi2/2  ,which are just the same as we talked in Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity.


(5) For density of the field-matter: 

         η= m/v=η(k)                  (10)

where V  is the volume of the field-matter-ball. V is function of Curvature k  because of V=V(R) , R=R(k) . K= k0k1ki ,(k1kiK0. The smaller V  is, the higher k  is and the larger η  is. η(k) has a positive relationship with k .


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