
邱敦莲 2019-1-14 18:43
Sites: Kings' Cross Station (Railway station) Date: 2015-10-10(London Time) 在英国南部城市珀斯和在伦敦,都能看到拿着吉它,在街头尽力表演的艺人,令人吃惊的是他们演唱水平都非常高,完全可以与唱片中的演唱水平相蓖美。有的是为了挣几个生活费,有的是为了卖唱片,还有的是振灾或者是捐款表演,有 ...
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邱敦莲 2019-1-11 19:36
2018 年无论是从世界来看,还是从中国来看,都是一个不同寻常的年份。世界格局总体而言仍然还是东西方的对抗,选择什么样的道路,举什么样的旗帜,为什么样的人服务,认同什么样的价值观,每个国家,甚至每个个体的想法做法都不完成相同,从而因为彼此认同感的不同而呈现出尖锐的矛盾冲突。无论是哪个国家,哪个民族,哪 ...
个人分类: 社会杂谈|1129 次阅读|没有评论
邱敦莲 2018-12-23 18:55
办理出国签证是一件费力费钱的事。持因公普通公务护照出访签证更是手续麻烦。今天因为一位外国学者告知前往厄瓜多尔参加国际会议不用办理签证,于是上网一搜,发现持因公普通公务护照前往数十个国家都不需要办理签证,已有有心人梳理准备了持公务普通护照免签出访的国家列表。今拷贝放在此处,方便 ...
个人分类: Around World|5766 次阅读|1 个评论
Thailand (6) : Attending the 49th birthday of LDD
邱敦莲 2018-11-19 22:46
The 49th anniversary celebration on the foundation of the Land Development Department let the attenders feel warm, cozy and in ease. Here no formal meeting is held. No leaders make speech to the attenders. The celebration is similar to a family gathering. It's a gala for people from a ...
个人分类: Around World|2479 次阅读|没有评论
Thailand-A practical country (4)
邱敦莲 2018-11-19 22:28
Thailand is a practical country, a neutral country. In my impression, the officials, researchers, and technicians do very practical work, unlike the counterparts in China. We visit the soil museum established by the Land Development Department (LDD), the royal agricultural projects, and some other ...
个人分类: Around World|2159 次阅读|没有评论
Thailand-A place full of flowers and fruits (3)
邱敦莲 2018-11-19 22:22
Thai people like flowers and sculpture. And the tropical climate is suitable for tropical flowers and fruits. Outside the hotels, the office buildings, university campus, scenic spots, flowers are everywhere. People decorate their offices, restaurants, classrooms with bright flowers. Various tropi ...
个人分类: Around World|2252 次阅读|没有评论

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