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2020年2期JMS 封面及封面故事-Drina River near near Bajina Bašta town
2020-1-19 16:09
Preface: We select cover article from every issue and ask authors to send pictures about the study area for us to select one as the cover picture. The author of the cover article will write a cover story about the study area and about the main research contents of this article. This way can enhan ...
个人分类: JMS信息|3887 次阅读|没有评论
2020-1-5 16:45
Generally speaking, we suggest the author list be fixed before the manusript is submitted. However author list can be finally fixed at the final revision. The order of the authors in the list can be changed during the revision period according to the contribution of each author. This way can faci ...
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|7554 次阅读|没有评论
热度 1 2019-11-7 17:57
中国科技期刊卓越行动计划拟入选项目(cas).pdf 11 月6日 中国科协发布了“ 关于对中国科技期刊卓越行动计划拟入选项目进行公示的通 知 ” ,从公示结果来看,此次入 选的项目共 285 项,除拟资助的平台项目以外,拟 资助的期刊中共有22领军期刊+29重点期刊+199梯队期刊+30高起点新刊 ...
个人分类: 学术资讯|18159 次阅读|3 个评论 热度 1
2019-10-11 13:11
根据Clarivate 提供的信息( https://mjl.clarivate.com/search-results )按国别进行检索,共检索到2019年SCI收录的中国期刊 (影响因子可到JCR中查看)217种。在网页页面只罗列期刊名称和期刊ISSN编号,更多的详细信息如出版社、学科方向等可见PDF附件。 中国主办的SCI期刊目录 (2019).pdf ACTA BIOC ...
个人分类: 收录引用|54712 次阅读|没有评论
2019-10-8 11:10
为了自己查找方便,重新转发一次! ------- 已有 7161 次阅读 2015-11-23 22:08 | 个人分类 : 社会杂谈 | 系统分类 : 科研笔记 | 关键词 : 因公出国 , 财务报销 , 流程 | 流程 , 因公出国 , 财务报销 推荐到群组 &nb ...
个人分类: 学术资讯|4151 次阅读|没有评论
Ecuadorian People厄瓜多尔人
2019-7-11 09:56
In this March, I went to Cuenca of Eduador to attend an international conference in Cuenca and visited two univerisities in Cuenca and Loja and one research institute in Quito, and met many Ecuadorian people. Some of them look like Nepalian and one Ecuadorian scholar also said the Nepalian t ...
个人分类: Around World|5920 次阅读|1 个评论
A letter to the author on how to write an abstract
2019-6-24 08:24
An author from South America wrote to ask me whether a paper on community study in the mountain areas can be published in Journal of Mountain Science, I suggesed he send me the abstract before he plans to submit to our online manuscript center. This morning I received his abstract, and found he in ...
个人分类: 编辑工作365|3092 次阅读|没有评论

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